Sunday, December 27, 2015

6 Month Crawler (for real - I'm scared)

So little miss Grace pushes her forehead across our floor in our den. She's all over the place. I think Hudson did this at the same age which means...I'm scared. Two rambunctious little ones is...amazing (I'm already tired haha). She has wanted to keep up with Hudson so bad. I have no doubts she will be running behind him before we know it. 

Grace is such an awesome baby. Along for the ride no matter what. She patiently watched the Budafest Parade. Went all the way to Lousiana for Thanksgiving to meet some of her Cajun family. Watches her bubba and looks for him when he's not around. 

Hudson is still the only person that can get all up in her face and not phase her. She absolutely loves her bubba. And he loves her. He spent the night at my parents house one night and as soon as he got home I told him I missed him. He tells me "mommy, I missed Grace." She's our princess and we are all so very in love with this most beautiful girl I've ever seen. 

Sissy really only seems to like squash. We've tried lots of new baby foods and she shudders at first bite of everything except squash and butternut squash. Little girl doesn't like fruit or sweet things except she did like to lick Nana's donut s she's after the pure sugar already. 

She's a jumper. Loves to be in her jumper for a good stretch of time. Loves to be left alone on the floor for the most part. 

Poor baby has 4 teeth coming at the same time so she chews on EVERYTHING and drools like no other (has a teething rash too - boo!). 

Grace loves to play with just about anything. Baby toys, cars, trains, anything in sight and luckily her bubba is cool with sharing most of the time. 

Karl doesn't want to believe me but she says "ma" when she's super upset which to me is her trying to say mama. I repeat it to her like a crazy person and she just smiles and laughs at me when I say it. But when she's upset she tries really hard to say it. So I'm going to say first word is ma! 

Mama, dada and bubba know how to get this beautiful girl to smile and we try as much as we can. She truly is our beautiful princess. 

Any baby food besides squash. 

Doesn't like to be held facing you. She wants to see the world. 

Doesn't like car rides. At. All. Actually just doesn't like being confined. 

Sleeping habits: minus when she's teething super bad she's a wonderful sleeper still. 

We have so much fun with this sweet beautiful princess. She amazes us every day with her talents and absolutely gorgeous smile. Happy 6 months our little angel. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Holidays & My Jokester Bubba

Halloween was fun! We decorated, carved pumpkins, and trick or treated with cousin Liam and the whole gang. Of course getting candy from the sweet neighbors is always fun :). Our sweet little neighbor gave a special treat for Hudson. She's the sweetest neighbor ever.

The next weekend we decorated for Christmas (hehe). I'm not skipping Thanksgiving but time is going so fast I need to drag this out. I want to soak it all in before I wonder where it went.

My bubba cracks me up these days! Such a jokester. He put this snowman headband on his belly and told me he was having twins. Another day he had me put this bandana on and he ran downstairs, opened the fridge and before I could ask what he was doing he brought the milk up. He told me he was the milk bandit. It's an episode of Sheriff Callie. My creative silly boy.

At Grace's 4 month appointment we had to go in early and I had to wake up my bubba to go to it. Later that night he said "hey mommy, tomorrow…don't wake me up early."

After watching a cartoon on TV about a magician he tells me, "Mommy, I wish daddy could make me a real wand to make things disappear. Poof, sissy is in her room."

This one makes me laugh big time. While he's going to the potty and I'm on the couch he yells to me, "Mommy, do you have giblets?"
Me:  No baby.
Bubba: Well everyone has giblets.
Me: Not girls honey.
Bubba: Grace is a boy.
Me: No, she doesn't have giblets.
Bubba:  No but her eyes are blue.
LOL every boy that Hudson sees often has blue eyes and every girl has brown. Therefore sissy must be a boy.

Bubba:  Mommy, is it Thursday or Saturday?
Me:  Nope, it's Friday.
Bubba:  Good cause I work on those days.

Watching The Flintstones one day.
Bubba:  Mommy, are we watching what's in my tummy? (Flinstone vitamins)
Me:  Yep
Bubba:  Are they alive in there?

One night going to bed after horsing around with daddy he says, "Bye daddy, I need my beauty nap."

5 Month Old Stubborn Crawler (Almost)

My sweet beautiful princess is 5 months old. Can someone seriously slow down time? Where is all the time going? My little girl is growing way too fast.

She's not crawling yet but the moment you lay her down on her back she has to roll onto her belly and she gets so angry because no matter how much she squirms she barely moves forward. She is trying SO hard. She's stubborn (just like her momma). I tell her (like she can understand me ha) "Grace, you can't go anywhere yet baby." Boy does she get mad. She wants to move so bad. I seriously think she's trying to keep up with her brother. She picks up that precious tushy and flops a little forward. I have no doubts she'll be crawling soon. Grace also LOVES the jumper. You put her in there and say, "Jump sissy jump" and she gets to kicking those legs.

This month this sweet angel still LOVES to laugh at her brother. He always knows how to put a smile on her face. Grace also loves to grab everything and put it to her mouth. I seriously think she would drink out of my cup if she could get ahold of it herself. She's also teething big time too. She has 2 new teeth that she got before Halloween! I knew they were coming! Her two front bottom teeth. They are SO CUTE! Two little chompers. They are sharp too! Watch out..hehe. 

She is learning all kinds of things from her brother…like how to not slow down (haha), how to be loud…she's a screamer. It's funny. She probably knows she has to scream to get a word in hehe. She also loves to be included in all of our activities. She sits at the table in the high chair and bubba and mommy do arts & crafts. Eats baby food while we eat dinner. I love that we all get to have dinner together. Our little home is complete. She wasn't too crazy about green beans or plain cereal but she likes butternut squash, bananas and pears.  She's learning how to push the food to the back of her mouth. I may have also given her a taste of gumbo…ok..I did and she loved it. Of course :).

Sleeping…oh so I jinxed myself last month (jk not really) but she goes to bed around 8:30 PM and sometimes stays asleep all night. Other nights she moves those little legs and I know to go get a bottle ready. I feed her as she stays asleep and she goes right back to deep sleep. Most days she wakes up at 6:30 AM. Momma. Is. Tired. LOL. I know I know I'm lucky :). She's a great sleeper. I've been lucky since day one.

My princess amazes me with her beauty. Pictures don't even do her justice (even though her pictures are beautiful too). I'm so in love with my angel. How in the world did I get so lucky to have not 1 but 2 beautiful children?

It's so easy to make this angel smile. I love being silly to her. She just smiles and laughs at her mama making any silly face. Makes my heart feel like it's going to explode. She squirms and giggles when you tickle her. Grace loves to hear her daddy's voice and always looks for her brother. We are so in love with you angel baby Grace. Happy 5 months!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

My Little Fire Cracker & the Pumpkin Patch

My beautiful bubba is quiet the little fire cracker these days. My favorite thing to do is take my bubba on dates. Even it's just to run around Target. It allows me to give him my undivided attention and just have a wonderful mommy bubba date. Last weekend we went to see Hotel Transylvania II. He was so cute and actually sat still the whole time (minus the 3 times mommy had to run to the bathroom from drinking too much - ha). We shared a huge popcorn, candy and a tea (you can get tea at the theater now awesome - yes, it's been awhile - that might not be a new thing haha). Bubba also loves his dates with his daddy too. They play frisbee in the front yard, go to Wal Mart and his favorite spot is Cabelas with daddy and pawpaw.

If I can put a smile on my bubba's face it makes me the most happiest. Wish I could do it more often than I do. I love him more than he will ever know.

When we went to the park this week he told me a few things that made me want to cry (but I held it together lol). First he tells me, "Mommy where are all of the kids, I'm trying to make friends." about dagger to the heart. We were there when most kids were at school or their parents were at work. At 3 PM kids got out of school (I'm assuming) because the park filled up again. Hudson met a little boy and started running around with him. In the middle of them playing he quietly tells me, "Mommy, I totally made a friend" boyee my sweetheart wants nothing more than to be a sweet friend. He is the best friend anyone could ask for. He's been mine for the past almost 4 years. Oy writing this makes me want to cry lol. Sappy momma here. We're thinking of preschool soon to help him make some friends. I'd so love that for him. He deserves all the happiness in the world and it's time to make some friends.

We're also introducing bubba to t-ball. We took him to watch some kids play to see if he would be interested. Might start that in January if he really shows an interest. I know he would be great at anything he wants to do. Just need to show him more :)

My fearless boy picking up frogs. Last year he wouldn't have done that. In fact I remember him and cousin Noah screaming at a frog at the pool this past summer. It's super cute. 

How cute is that dump truck (and my bubba in it) from Toy R Us? We're scoping out lego tables because this sweet boy had a chart to fulfill and he did. At the end of the chart was a lego table. So we're in the market. We took a quick trip to Toy R Us just had to play with that awesome truck. 

He's so adorable when he tries to do the hula hoop. He moves his little hips so fast and really thinks he's doing it but it falls straight to the ground. It's so funny. Sadly enough…I don't even know how to hula hoop anymore LOL. It's really hard!

Funny sayings from my bubba:

Bubba loves to tell you that Grace is his baby. And he told me, "When I have a baby in my belly it's going to be bi-i-ig." He then tells me, "Mommy, one day Grace just popped out of your belly." So cute :)

After measuring how tall he was on the wall this month he says, "When I get older mommy I'm going to be as big as daddy. There will be 2 daddies. Me and daddy and I'm going to have a wallet…you'll have to measure me outside."

We're trying to help bubba with a few of his pronunciations so if we don't hear him when he says something he says, "Look at me when I say this, it's _______" in a matter of fact tone. 

A few weekends ago my amazing best friend Shawn'Na took some super adorable pumpkin pictures for us. She gets more and more amazing with her talents. We're so thankful to be her models whenever she needs us to :)

4 Month Old Jumper

 My Angle Baby Girl is 4 Months Old Today :). Boy has a lot changed in the past month. This little girl if full of personality just like her brother. Her smile makes my heart go crazy. 

Her big brother will do just about anything to make her smile, however, it doesn't take much. Her eyes follow her brother everywhere. I know that once she starts walking she's going to be right behind him wherever he goes. I kid you not, the sibling love between these two is out this world to me. Makes me feel so unbelievably lucky to be their mommy and to have 2 of the sweetest angels in the world! 

New things this month: 

Grace has started grabbing at toys and putting them right to her mouth. Poor baby is teething and has become a faucet of never ending drool. Bibs can't even save her from getting soaked. I don't see any little buds but I'm hoping some teeth come soon. 

Since Grace is not a huge fan of tummy time (of which she's done a lot more of this month) but a lot of the time she will roll right onto her back if you put her on her tummy. She's able to get up a lot higher now during her tummy time but will only do it for maybe a few minutes. She's trying so hard to roll from back to front. I have no doubts she will have it down next month.

We also started putting her in the high chair this month while we do things in the kitchen or eat. We have a little light up chameleon that was her big brothers. She has started to hit it to make it light up and make noise. That chameleon brings lots of good memories to me. It's the toy I used to put in front of Hudson to get him to start crawling. We put it next to Grace and she tries even harder to roll from back to front. I can't wait to go to the doctor on Monday to have her tell us to start food. Right now Grace patiently sits in the high chair and eyeballs our food big time. She wants to join in the party :). I can't wait!

Grace also loves the jumper! I wasn't sure if she would or not because like her brother she doesn't like to be constrained too much. She watches the little lights and is in awe of the music. She kicks her legs every once in awhile to bounce and loves to chew on the part of the seat in front of her.

Look at those eyes..she just melts my heart in every way!

Sleeping this month:  Every time I write this I'm fearful that I'm going to jinx myself but I moved baby girl out of the pack and play and into her crib and…she sleeps like the world's most perfect baby. I feel this way for so many reasons but seriously…how in the world did I get this lucky? Best sleeper ever (please stay that way Grace). Her naps are changing though. She's starting to drop naps and the few are getting longer. I'm thinking she's getting more into a schedule. Before it was eat…play a little…take a cat nap. Mommy likes long naps..especially on a work day :)

Her sweet smile is so contagious and oh my goodness those dimples. 

**Remember how she doesn't like to be held like a baby? The picture above (bottom right one) she let me hold her like that on a walk we went on because she was sleepy…didn't put up much of a fight and I totally took advantage of holding my precious angel like a baby :) :) 

Grace went on her first train ride this week. She liked it at first but got hungry so she started to cry. Hudson helped me get a bottle ready and after feeding her she was back to her happy self. I was worried she didn't like the train but turns out little girl was just hungry :). She also watched her bubba play at the park for hours and loved it. Mommy even took her down a slide. Not sure what she thought of that but I'm guessing no crying was a good sign.

Dislikes this month:

This funny little girl still doesn't like it when I hold her like a baby. It's so funny. She's so interested in everything going on around her she doesn't want to be held where she can't see. She is my hip baby that faces outward on my hip (pictured below). That is her all time favorite way for me to hold her. 

You know…she's so easy going that's pretty much the only dislike I can think of besides not liking tummy time for too long. We're so lucky to have this angel in our lives. Her brother absolutely adores her and she can't wait to keep up with him. We love you so much you sweet happy girl.

Oh one more thing. Her brother, who if you know us he's a LOUD boy and wild, has taught his sister to scream. Grace doesn't only talk away in her baby language but loves to scream. I think she likes to hear her own voice. No matter how loud it gets in this house I love these two screamers with all of my heart.

Saturday, October 3, 2015


Besides missing dada this was a much needed and awesome family trip for us. A few weeks ago I packed up my angels, picked up mawmaw and pawpaw and headed to the coast. This time for Galveston. 

My dad drove and I sat in the middle of my babies. Talked my parents heads off while my babies slept on the trip. Can't remember the last time I felt like a kid on a trip with my parents. They used to take us to Galveston all the time. Now I got to take my babies. 

We got there at 1 AM or so and bubba was half asleep. He wanted to go home. After laying him down in one of the beds he had the biggest smile on his face. Poor bubba was exhausted and disoriented. Grace was asleep and stayed asleep. I don't know how I got so lucky with this little girl's sleeping habits but I will definitely take a great sleeper without the hard work. 

We woke up Friday morning and headed to eat a yummy lunch at a recommended seafood Cajun restaurant. Then headed to the submarine and battleship at Seawolf Park. That was so much fun. First mawmaw pushes Grace around in her stroller while pawpaw, bubba and I explored. It's so awesome to me to touch history and share the excitement with Hudson. After going through it we decided to all go through the submarine. Even Grace! How many 3 month olds have done that? Not sure lol but we are starting the adventures young. 

Afterwards we went to the famous candy shop my parents always used to take us to. Of course my bubba was in heaven. Sugar city. 

That day was pretty exhaustin but it didn't stop us for getting back out at dinner time for some yummy Italian food. Another place we used to go to when I was little. 

The next day we had big plans and boy did we do a lot. First we rode the ferry. Then checked out the Lone Star Fligjt Museum. Hudson kept saying wow at every turn. I love to hear my son be amazed. Pawpaw even snuck him on a plane. I wasn't around so if anyone asks I had no idea lol. 

After that we headed back to the condo to rest, swim in the fun pool then get ready to go to the Pleasure Pier. Oh that was awesome. When we first got there Hudson kept saying he wanted to ride the boat ride. We were amazed he wanted to but we did it anyway. Pawpaw held onto Grace and we raced to the boat roller coaster. We got on and everyone was fine and dandy. Then after the first shocking drop to Hudson he was about ready to climb out of the boat. I could barely stop laughing from how scared he was and how I couldn't do anything about it but hope the end would come fast. I kept telling him to close his eyes and scream. My poor bubba. It was actually hysterical. He was happy to get off but was then hooked. He rode a bunch of more rides with mawmaw and pawpaw. I was truly amazed he did it. So brave. 

Our last morning there we ate at IHOP. Another thing we always did when we left. It's not just any IHOP. :)

I loved going here not only to do what I used to do as a kid but to share it with my babies. They both were so good. Hudson enjoyed it so much and Grace was amazingly along for the ride with no fuss. My children make me feel like the luckiest mommy in the world. This was a the best first trip with my angels. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

3 Month Old Giggle Girl

Karl didn't want to believe me but a few weeks ago my baby girl laughed at me. She's the singing frog though so I definitely couldn't get it on video. I swore she laughed at me. I finally got proof the other day. She's a chuckler. I can't wait to make her giggle all the time. 

She chuckles when I tickle her under her chin. She's not quiet sure how to feel about that yet though because she starts to giggle and then gets a serious look on her face like what are you doing to me? She's not sure how to handle the ticklish feeling. It's funny. 

What's my beautiful princess up to these days? She's trying to roll from back to front. Talk about giving me a heart attack. Not really. I just need her to learn the other way first…but…that would require more tummy time (I'm slacking on that eek). She tries so hard to sit up. She's ready to go! She never stops moving. I want to say she moves as much as her brother did if not more but she definitely likes to take the world in with her mild temperament.

Grace is a dream come true, I've said it before and I'll keep saying that. She is such a trooper. Tagging along on our adventures with a smile and sleeping like the world's best baby (jinxing myself I know). 

Funny tidbit, at 3 months old, Grace's feet are bigger than Hudson's were, she's 2" shorter and weighs almost 1 more pound than bubba did. 

She still LOVES her floor gym. Does not like tummy time. I can't look into her eyes when she's eating because she wants to smile at me and the milk comes pouring out. She stares at our food like it's unfair. 

Adores her big brother who can probably take credit for 50% or more of her entertainment. She's her brother's little girl (as Hudson tells me) and he's the excitement in her life. They make a sweet wonderful pair. 

I will remain forever lucky to have my angels. Happy 3 months Grace!

My angels also had their first trip to Galveston, more on that soon. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Halloween Decorating and Hudson Funnies

So this past weekend we decorated for Halloween. All of our sweet neighbors passed by and said how fun our house was. I love our neighborhood. 

We decorated inside too but we aren't done yet. This is the most fun part of the year. 

We made a trip to At Home for more decorations because you can never have too many. Their creepy decor section is like a haunted house for kids. Save some money and just go down this aisle ha!

We love this place and I love that it's 5 minutes away from my house. 

We did some DIY stuff ourselves too. What is Halloween without some precious creation from your child? I love making things with Hudson. Grace looked on and took notes for future crafts. Hudson loves to paint. I love to watch him paint. I know he can't wait for Grace to do it with him. He even put his apron on her...wishful thinking haha. 

We aren't done yet but we got a good head start. I love our fun house and I love my babies for making it fun. These are the best times of my life. 

And without further ado here are some Hudson funnies:

One night we were leaving shee and Hudson kept saying you have to text me. We thought he was saying test or catch with his c being a t but after telling us several times he said with a very serious face, "You know, when someone gets home and you text them." It made me and shee laugh because we kept trying to guess and then he tells us in his very serious voice. Like duh mommy and shee lol. 

Hudson acting like a ninja with a stick. "Mommy, you can't get passed me and my mad skills."

When drawing with scented markers, "Mmmm mommy this smells beautiful like you" **melt my heart, I don't get to shower every day. If he thinks I smell beautiful then he's going to be pleasantly surprised one day. 

While watching a dance video to Jason Derulo's song Want you to want me, "Daddy, you totaaaallllyyy have to dance like this." 

I know I'm leaving a ton out. Need to be better at writing those down. This precious boy keeps me on my toes and makes me laugh. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fishing with just daddy & pawpaw

In August (#laterblog haha) my bubba left for the very first time without me on his terms to go fishing with daddy and pawpaw. I was amazed he willingly left and at the same time super proud of him. As long as he lets mommy go too eventually though lol. I have yet to go but I bet Grace and I will join the gang a lot next summer. 

I asked pawpaw to write about their time and so here's my precious daddy's story of their first time 8/7/15. They also went again 2 weeks later. He's hooked...

From pawpaw:

I was so proud of our little man for braving a fishing trip alone with dad and paw paw.  We had fun the first day just watching boats at the ramp. Hudson was so excited he tried to hop on a couple strangers boats. Paw paw was so excited to have his little buddy alone on the trip. I don't think I have been more excited about a fishing trip in a long time.
We had a full day of fun on Saturday. We went fishing at the ramp in the morning. I think we fed at least 20 picky perch to the birds.  For lunch we took Hudson to Cathy's, fine dinning of course (lol). Mid day we went to the beach to throw frisbee and walk to the end of the pier. After playing the bear is attacking Hudson in the camper for an hour we went back to the ramp for more fishing.  We went through two boxes of frozen shrimp. We had a good system. Paw paw baited the hook, dad hooked the fish and Hudson would reel them in. Hudson enjoys jumping on the fish till they stop wiggling and then throws them to the birds.

I think we tired Hudson out pretty good. After a shower and one tom and jerry cartoon, he turned the tv off and all the lights and said it was time to go to bed. It was only 9:20 pm, didn't mind I was a little tired too. We had to leave one light on in the living room for dad to finish the laundry. While lying in the bed Hudson kept saying "I can see the light" but he finally feel asleep. 

Sunday we fished again at the ramp. Hudson wanted to hang out at the camper all day Sunday but we talked him into heading home. It was a great joy to have Hudson on our guys weekend at the coast!!! I am ready to do it again. I ask him the other day if he like the camper and he said I love the camper.

Thanks Mommy for letting us have fun!!
Love yall very much!!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

My Daughter's (and son's) Hands

I swear I have major déjà vu every time I take Grace to the dr. Hudson and Grace are so similar it's crazy. 

At Grace's 2 month check up last week the dr said that she should start opening her hands and grabbing at things by her 4 month checkup. Well I think Grace was listening because she started to do just that. I remember thinking the same thing when Hudson was a baby. 

She started grabbing at the koala on her floor gym. Then last weekend she grabbed my mouth over and over. I kissed her sweet little hand each time. And yes it made me want to cry. Ok my eyes did water. My angel wanted to touch her mommy with open hands. She makes me feel like the most special person in the world and makes my heart so happy. 

I don't know what it is but there's just something about your child's touch that makes you feel so overwhelmed with love. Every time Hudson grabs my hand it makes my heart feel like the sun is shining through it. Same goes with my sweet baby Grace. Her sweet little hand reaching out to touch me is the sweetest feeling I've ever experienced. It truly sends warm loving electricity through my heart. 

These two angels have forever stolen my heart. I'm the luckiest mommy in the world. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

2 Month Old Smiley Talker

My precious baby girl is 2 months old. It doesn't sound like a long time but it feels like she's always been a part of my life. Grace is a dream come true.  

I love her waking up to me (she's an excellent sleeper - sleeps later than me). I tell her good morning as I change her and she gives me the best smiles in the world and the sweetest gurgles. Of course I recorded them because they are the sweetest sounds I've ever heard in my life. 

This month she found her hands. She tries so hard to put them in her mouth. It's funny because you can tell she's concentrating so hard. Trying to figure out what to do with those beautiful long fingers. 

A déjà vu moment, she lifts her eyebrows and raises her head a tiny bit because she wants to sit up so bad. Her bubba did that exact same thing when he was 2 months old. I remember it being adorable then and it's adorable now. She's trying so hard. I have no doubts she will try to do things fast like her brother just so she can tag along. 

God has blessed me with not 1 but 2 very active babies. When Grace is awake she isn't content just resting in your arms. She wants to be jumping in your arms, laying under her floor gym or on her changing pad talking away and kicking those legs like she's ready to run. 

One of my favorite parts about this month is she follows me around the room. She hears my voice and she quickly looks for me. If only I could hold her all day long. 

She is Miss Independent. She doesn't want me holding her too long. She prefers to be laying on her own taking in all of the chaos of our house. 

I'm also so very lucky to tell you (knocking on wood) she is still an excellent sleeper. Off to bed at 10 pm for the night and sleeps until 5 to eat then back to bed until 7 to eat again and then back to sleep until 9. I'm so thankful she's an excellent little sleeper. 

Funny cheesy sweet moment however you want to look at it. I married Karl 8 years ago and when I go to bed at night I say "God, I love this man" over and over each night. When I had Hudson I say every night I put him to bed "God, I love this boy" and now every night I say "God, I love my angel and she loves me." I'm not surprised my baby girl loves me but I just can't believe how lucky I am that my sweet little princess loves ME. How did I get this lucky? 

Happy 2 months princess.