Sunday, December 27, 2015

6 Month Crawler (for real - I'm scared)

So little miss Grace pushes her forehead across our floor in our den. She's all over the place. I think Hudson did this at the same age which means...I'm scared. Two rambunctious little ones is...amazing (I'm already tired haha). She has wanted to keep up with Hudson so bad. I have no doubts she will be running behind him before we know it. 

Grace is such an awesome baby. Along for the ride no matter what. She patiently watched the Budafest Parade. Went all the way to Lousiana for Thanksgiving to meet some of her Cajun family. Watches her bubba and looks for him when he's not around. 

Hudson is still the only person that can get all up in her face and not phase her. She absolutely loves her bubba. And he loves her. He spent the night at my parents house one night and as soon as he got home I told him I missed him. He tells me "mommy, I missed Grace." She's our princess and we are all so very in love with this most beautiful girl I've ever seen. 

Sissy really only seems to like squash. We've tried lots of new baby foods and she shudders at first bite of everything except squash and butternut squash. Little girl doesn't like fruit or sweet things except she did like to lick Nana's donut s she's after the pure sugar already. 

She's a jumper. Loves to be in her jumper for a good stretch of time. Loves to be left alone on the floor for the most part. 

Poor baby has 4 teeth coming at the same time so she chews on EVERYTHING and drools like no other (has a teething rash too - boo!). 

Grace loves to play with just about anything. Baby toys, cars, trains, anything in sight and luckily her bubba is cool with sharing most of the time. 

Karl doesn't want to believe me but she says "ma" when she's super upset which to me is her trying to say mama. I repeat it to her like a crazy person and she just smiles and laughs at me when I say it. But when she's upset she tries really hard to say it. So I'm going to say first word is ma! 

Mama, dada and bubba know how to get this beautiful girl to smile and we try as much as we can. She truly is our beautiful princess. 

Any baby food besides squash. 

Doesn't like to be held facing you. She wants to see the world. 

Doesn't like car rides. At. All. Actually just doesn't like being confined. 

Sleeping habits: minus when she's teething super bad she's a wonderful sleeper still. 

We have so much fun with this sweet beautiful princess. She amazes us every day with her talents and absolutely gorgeous smile. Happy 6 months our little angel. 

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