Saturday, February 20, 2016

7 month old cuddle bug

I'm behind..lots going on lately. Where's the time?

Our little angel is all over the place. She's starting to pull herself up on everything and falling like free willy. She's learning slowly but surely how to fall Gracefully (hehe) but there's been a couple of ouchies.

Look at this adorable face! She makes her mommy's heart go crazy!

Grace has now has 7 teeth. You think she would be able to eat a burger by now but she's so picky! She's a texture baby for sure. She is getting over double ear infections so that really made her not like food. She doesn't like baby fruit. We tried avocado and she didn't like it. BUT I gave her Strawberry yogurt and she liked it! Opened her mouth each time when the spoon was close. I'm so glad she likes it. Poor baby's earaches were making the eating front hard on her. 

Usually Grace loves to fall asleep either laying down or rocking but facing outward. This month she turned around to snuggle me. I'm so over the top happy about her snuggling me. She's so independnt but this month my angel is snuggling mommy, hiding her face in my chest when she's shy, letting mommy soak in the best snuggles in the world. 

We tried the swing outside this month. It's a little too chilly for the swing yet but I think she will love it when it's warm out. She's a trooper trying out whatever we throw at her :)

This month we also sat her up in the tub. Watching her discover water for the first time is the most adorable thing ever! She kept grabbing at it and making a face like she was thinking why can't I pick this up. So adorable. 

This little angel has the best smile. Just love making her smile. She's forever in love with her bubba and I'm the luckiest mommy in the world. 

I'm so far behind. Next comes blogs on my amazing 4 year old and my now 8 month old :)

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