Friday, September 25, 2015

3 Month Old Giggle Girl

Karl didn't want to believe me but a few weeks ago my baby girl laughed at me. She's the singing frog though so I definitely couldn't get it on video. I swore she laughed at me. I finally got proof the other day. She's a chuckler. I can't wait to make her giggle all the time. 

She chuckles when I tickle her under her chin. She's not quiet sure how to feel about that yet though because she starts to giggle and then gets a serious look on her face like what are you doing to me? She's not sure how to handle the ticklish feeling. It's funny. 

What's my beautiful princess up to these days? She's trying to roll from back to front. Talk about giving me a heart attack. Not really. I just need her to learn the other way first…but…that would require more tummy time (I'm slacking on that eek). She tries so hard to sit up. She's ready to go! She never stops moving. I want to say she moves as much as her brother did if not more but she definitely likes to take the world in with her mild temperament.

Grace is a dream come true, I've said it before and I'll keep saying that. She is such a trooper. Tagging along on our adventures with a smile and sleeping like the world's best baby (jinxing myself I know). 

Funny tidbit, at 3 months old, Grace's feet are bigger than Hudson's were, she's 2" shorter and weighs almost 1 more pound than bubba did. 

She still LOVES her floor gym. Does not like tummy time. I can't look into her eyes when she's eating because she wants to smile at me and the milk comes pouring out. She stares at our food like it's unfair. 

Adores her big brother who can probably take credit for 50% or more of her entertainment. She's her brother's little girl (as Hudson tells me) and he's the excitement in her life. They make a sweet wonderful pair. 

I will remain forever lucky to have my angels. Happy 3 months Grace!

My angels also had their first trip to Galveston, more on that soon. 

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