Saturday, October 3, 2015


Besides missing dada this was a much needed and awesome family trip for us. A few weeks ago I packed up my angels, picked up mawmaw and pawpaw and headed to the coast. This time for Galveston. 

My dad drove and I sat in the middle of my babies. Talked my parents heads off while my babies slept on the trip. Can't remember the last time I felt like a kid on a trip with my parents. They used to take us to Galveston all the time. Now I got to take my babies. 

We got there at 1 AM or so and bubba was half asleep. He wanted to go home. After laying him down in one of the beds he had the biggest smile on his face. Poor bubba was exhausted and disoriented. Grace was asleep and stayed asleep. I don't know how I got so lucky with this little girl's sleeping habits but I will definitely take a great sleeper without the hard work. 

We woke up Friday morning and headed to eat a yummy lunch at a recommended seafood Cajun restaurant. Then headed to the submarine and battleship at Seawolf Park. That was so much fun. First mawmaw pushes Grace around in her stroller while pawpaw, bubba and I explored. It's so awesome to me to touch history and share the excitement with Hudson. After going through it we decided to all go through the submarine. Even Grace! How many 3 month olds have done that? Not sure lol but we are starting the adventures young. 

Afterwards we went to the famous candy shop my parents always used to take us to. Of course my bubba was in heaven. Sugar city. 

That day was pretty exhaustin but it didn't stop us for getting back out at dinner time for some yummy Italian food. Another place we used to go to when I was little. 

The next day we had big plans and boy did we do a lot. First we rode the ferry. Then checked out the Lone Star Fligjt Museum. Hudson kept saying wow at every turn. I love to hear my son be amazed. Pawpaw even snuck him on a plane. I wasn't around so if anyone asks I had no idea lol. 

After that we headed back to the condo to rest, swim in the fun pool then get ready to go to the Pleasure Pier. Oh that was awesome. When we first got there Hudson kept saying he wanted to ride the boat ride. We were amazed he wanted to but we did it anyway. Pawpaw held onto Grace and we raced to the boat roller coaster. We got on and everyone was fine and dandy. Then after the first shocking drop to Hudson he was about ready to climb out of the boat. I could barely stop laughing from how scared he was and how I couldn't do anything about it but hope the end would come fast. I kept telling him to close his eyes and scream. My poor bubba. It was actually hysterical. He was happy to get off but was then hooked. He rode a bunch of more rides with mawmaw and pawpaw. I was truly amazed he did it. So brave. 

Our last morning there we ate at IHOP. Another thing we always did when we left. It's not just any IHOP. :)

I loved going here not only to do what I used to do as a kid but to share it with my babies. They both were so good. Hudson enjoyed it so much and Grace was amazingly along for the ride with no fuss. My children make me feel like the luckiest mommy in the world. This was a the best first trip with my angels. 

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