Saturday, October 17, 2015

My Little Fire Cracker & the Pumpkin Patch

My beautiful bubba is quiet the little fire cracker these days. My favorite thing to do is take my bubba on dates. Even it's just to run around Target. It allows me to give him my undivided attention and just have a wonderful mommy bubba date. Last weekend we went to see Hotel Transylvania II. He was so cute and actually sat still the whole time (minus the 3 times mommy had to run to the bathroom from drinking too much - ha). We shared a huge popcorn, candy and a tea (you can get tea at the theater now awesome - yes, it's been awhile - that might not be a new thing haha). Bubba also loves his dates with his daddy too. They play frisbee in the front yard, go to Wal Mart and his favorite spot is Cabelas with daddy and pawpaw.

If I can put a smile on my bubba's face it makes me the most happiest. Wish I could do it more often than I do. I love him more than he will ever know.

When we went to the park this week he told me a few things that made me want to cry (but I held it together lol). First he tells me, "Mommy where are all of the kids, I'm trying to make friends." about dagger to the heart. We were there when most kids were at school or their parents were at work. At 3 PM kids got out of school (I'm assuming) because the park filled up again. Hudson met a little boy and started running around with him. In the middle of them playing he quietly tells me, "Mommy, I totally made a friend" boyee my sweetheart wants nothing more than to be a sweet friend. He is the best friend anyone could ask for. He's been mine for the past almost 4 years. Oy writing this makes me want to cry lol. Sappy momma here. We're thinking of preschool soon to help him make some friends. I'd so love that for him. He deserves all the happiness in the world and it's time to make some friends.

We're also introducing bubba to t-ball. We took him to watch some kids play to see if he would be interested. Might start that in January if he really shows an interest. I know he would be great at anything he wants to do. Just need to show him more :)

My fearless boy picking up frogs. Last year he wouldn't have done that. In fact I remember him and cousin Noah screaming at a frog at the pool this past summer. It's super cute. 

How cute is that dump truck (and my bubba in it) from Toy R Us? We're scoping out lego tables because this sweet boy had a chart to fulfill and he did. At the end of the chart was a lego table. So we're in the market. We took a quick trip to Toy R Us just had to play with that awesome truck. 

He's so adorable when he tries to do the hula hoop. He moves his little hips so fast and really thinks he's doing it but it falls straight to the ground. It's so funny. Sadly enough…I don't even know how to hula hoop anymore LOL. It's really hard!

Funny sayings from my bubba:

Bubba loves to tell you that Grace is his baby. And he told me, "When I have a baby in my belly it's going to be bi-i-ig." He then tells me, "Mommy, one day Grace just popped out of your belly." So cute :)

After measuring how tall he was on the wall this month he says, "When I get older mommy I'm going to be as big as daddy. There will be 2 daddies. Me and daddy and I'm going to have a wallet…you'll have to measure me outside."

We're trying to help bubba with a few of his pronunciations so if we don't hear him when he says something he says, "Look at me when I say this, it's _______" in a matter of fact tone. 

A few weekends ago my amazing best friend Shawn'Na took some super adorable pumpkin pictures for us. She gets more and more amazing with her talents. We're so thankful to be her models whenever she needs us to :)

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