Saturday, October 17, 2015

4 Month Old Jumper

 My Angle Baby Girl is 4 Months Old Today :). Boy has a lot changed in the past month. This little girl if full of personality just like her brother. Her smile makes my heart go crazy. 

Her big brother will do just about anything to make her smile, however, it doesn't take much. Her eyes follow her brother everywhere. I know that once she starts walking she's going to be right behind him wherever he goes. I kid you not, the sibling love between these two is out this world to me. Makes me feel so unbelievably lucky to be their mommy and to have 2 of the sweetest angels in the world! 

New things this month: 

Grace has started grabbing at toys and putting them right to her mouth. Poor baby is teething and has become a faucet of never ending drool. Bibs can't even save her from getting soaked. I don't see any little buds but I'm hoping some teeth come soon. 

Since Grace is not a huge fan of tummy time (of which she's done a lot more of this month) but a lot of the time she will roll right onto her back if you put her on her tummy. She's able to get up a lot higher now during her tummy time but will only do it for maybe a few minutes. She's trying so hard to roll from back to front. I have no doubts she will have it down next month.

We also started putting her in the high chair this month while we do things in the kitchen or eat. We have a little light up chameleon that was her big brothers. She has started to hit it to make it light up and make noise. That chameleon brings lots of good memories to me. It's the toy I used to put in front of Hudson to get him to start crawling. We put it next to Grace and she tries even harder to roll from back to front. I can't wait to go to the doctor on Monday to have her tell us to start food. Right now Grace patiently sits in the high chair and eyeballs our food big time. She wants to join in the party :). I can't wait!

Grace also loves the jumper! I wasn't sure if she would or not because like her brother she doesn't like to be constrained too much. She watches the little lights and is in awe of the music. She kicks her legs every once in awhile to bounce and loves to chew on the part of the seat in front of her.

Look at those eyes..she just melts my heart in every way!

Sleeping this month:  Every time I write this I'm fearful that I'm going to jinx myself but I moved baby girl out of the pack and play and into her crib and…she sleeps like the world's most perfect baby. I feel this way for so many reasons but seriously…how in the world did I get this lucky? Best sleeper ever (please stay that way Grace). Her naps are changing though. She's starting to drop naps and the few are getting longer. I'm thinking she's getting more into a schedule. Before it was eat…play a little…take a cat nap. Mommy likes long naps..especially on a work day :)

Her sweet smile is so contagious and oh my goodness those dimples. 

**Remember how she doesn't like to be held like a baby? The picture above (bottom right one) she let me hold her like that on a walk we went on because she was sleepy…didn't put up much of a fight and I totally took advantage of holding my precious angel like a baby :) :) 

Grace went on her first train ride this week. She liked it at first but got hungry so she started to cry. Hudson helped me get a bottle ready and after feeding her she was back to her happy self. I was worried she didn't like the train but turns out little girl was just hungry :). She also watched her bubba play at the park for hours and loved it. Mommy even took her down a slide. Not sure what she thought of that but I'm guessing no crying was a good sign.

Dislikes this month:

This funny little girl still doesn't like it when I hold her like a baby. It's so funny. She's so interested in everything going on around her she doesn't want to be held where she can't see. She is my hip baby that faces outward on my hip (pictured below). That is her all time favorite way for me to hold her. 

You know…she's so easy going that's pretty much the only dislike I can think of besides not liking tummy time for too long. We're so lucky to have this angel in our lives. Her brother absolutely adores her and she can't wait to keep up with him. We love you so much you sweet happy girl.

Oh one more thing. Her brother, who if you know us he's a LOUD boy and wild, has taught his sister to scream. Grace doesn't only talk away in her baby language but loves to scream. I think she likes to hear her own voice. No matter how loud it gets in this house I love these two screamers with all of my heart.

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