Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Halloween Decorating and Hudson Funnies

So this past weekend we decorated for Halloween. All of our sweet neighbors passed by and said how fun our house was. I love our neighborhood. 

We decorated inside too but we aren't done yet. This is the most fun part of the year. 

We made a trip to At Home for more decorations because you can never have too many. Their creepy decor section is like a haunted house for kids. Save some money and just go down this aisle ha!

We love this place and I love that it's 5 minutes away from my house. 

We did some DIY stuff ourselves too. What is Halloween without some precious creation from your child? I love making things with Hudson. Grace looked on and took notes for future crafts. Hudson loves to paint. I love to watch him paint. I know he can't wait for Grace to do it with him. He even put his apron on her...wishful thinking haha. 

We aren't done yet but we got a good head start. I love our fun house and I love my babies for making it fun. These are the best times of my life. 

And without further ado here are some Hudson funnies:

One night we were leaving shee and Hudson kept saying you have to text me. We thought he was saying test or catch with his c being a t but after telling us several times he said with a very serious face, "You know, when someone gets home and you text them." It made me and shee laugh because we kept trying to guess and then he tells us in his very serious voice. Like duh mommy and shee lol. 

Hudson acting like a ninja with a stick. "Mommy, you can't get passed me and my mad skills."

When drawing with scented markers, "Mmmm mommy this smells beautiful like you" **melt my heart, I don't get to shower every day. If he thinks I smell beautiful then he's going to be pleasantly surprised one day. 

While watching a dance video to Jason Derulo's song Want you to want me, "Daddy, you totaaaallllyyy have to dance like this." 

I know I'm leaving a ton out. Need to be better at writing those down. This precious boy keeps me on my toes and makes me laugh. 

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