Thursday, August 27, 2015

My Daughter's (and son's) Hands

I swear I have major déjà vu every time I take Grace to the dr. Hudson and Grace are so similar it's crazy. 

At Grace's 2 month check up last week the dr said that she should start opening her hands and grabbing at things by her 4 month checkup. Well I think Grace was listening because she started to do just that. I remember thinking the same thing when Hudson was a baby. 

She started grabbing at the koala on her floor gym. Then last weekend she grabbed my mouth over and over. I kissed her sweet little hand each time. And yes it made me want to cry. Ok my eyes did water. My angel wanted to touch her mommy with open hands. She makes me feel like the most special person in the world and makes my heart so happy. 

I don't know what it is but there's just something about your child's touch that makes you feel so overwhelmed with love. Every time Hudson grabs my hand it makes my heart feel like the sun is shining through it. Same goes with my sweet baby Grace. Her sweet little hand reaching out to touch me is the sweetest feeling I've ever experienced. It truly sends warm loving electricity through my heart. 

These two angels have forever stolen my heart. I'm the luckiest mommy in the world. 

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