Thursday, August 13, 2015

Who would have known

You know you read these things about being a boy mom. Or a girl mom. And I never put that label on myself while I had just Hudson but I do feel like I had this boy mom stuff down. I would say that I'm more of an active, adventurous, go go go kid mom. 

However it wasn't until this little beautiful princess came into my world that I discovered my label is "my kid's mom." Sounds silly but I can dig in the dirt with Hudson, race the cars down the driveway, toss a softball to him you name it. But I also LOVE my sweet time with my baby Grace. 

The most adorable girly gurgles, the sounds she makes that sound like they would only come from a princess and dressing her up like a doll. I don't dress her up like a doll all of the time but this girl stuff has already set my heart aglow. She's almost 2 months and I can't believe it. 

There's something a little extra sad about having your last baby and watching her grow knowing this is the last time I will experience this as a mother. I'm going to soak in this boy and girl world as much as I can. 

My heart is beyond full. I will forever feel like the luckiest "kid mom" in the world. 

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