Sunday, December 30, 2012

Austin Trail of Lights 2012

So, I'm a little behind. Lots of catching up to do.

I'm so glad the Austin Trail of Lights is back but not so crazy about the craziness of people. We took bubba the last day it was open and it was a madhouse. There was a long line to get in and we didn't get to see much BUT bubba still had a grand ol time. I can't wait to see how excited bubba is about Christmas next year because Christmas 2012 was the best yet!

We've gone to the Austin Trail of Lights / Christmas Tree for a long time. It is a tradition that my mawmaw and aunt Wendy started when I was probably 11 or 12. I've always made a point to go each year. I know my mawmaw would have loved it.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

1st Best Christmas

All these years I finally realized what it's like to be a parent who couldn't wait to see their baby's face on Christmas morning. We just happened to luck out that our 11 month old angel had a smile on his face when we woke him up at 6 AM. He was soooo sweet. just got better. We took him downstairs and he knew how to reach into the stocking and pull things out! I can't believe how curious this boy is. It absolutely amazes me! Before we headed down to Mawmaw and Pawpaw's house we gave him a coupe car. Thanks to our neighbors across the street who have two boys a little older than Hudson. We recycled their coupe car and gave it to Hudson. He got right in and started hitting the horn and waived bye to the camera. He just makes everything amazing.

We packed up the car and headed to Mawmaw and Pawpaw Wilson's house. Christmas started at 8 AM. The house was full of presents and my entire clan including Hudson's great great mawmaw Leatha from Louisiana. My bubba's absolute favorite toy is the Chuggington train he received from pawpaw and mawmaw. He's been sitting on it every day all day.

At 10 AM we headed to Pops and Nana's house. Bubba dug in dada's stocking and his. So cute, sticking his head in the stocking looking for more. Bubba got lots of books :). He is a reader for sure. After bubba took a much needed nap we ate lunch and my sweet bubba loved green beans and uncle Patrick's awesome potato casserole. YUM!

5 PM we packed everything up and heading back to Mawmaw and Pawpaw's house for dinner. Bubba played with his cousin Noah. He even tried to kiss and hug him. He definitely loves his cousin Noah. Always looking to see what he's doing and tries to play with him. Two great cousins for sure!

We had such an amazing Christmas. I can't believe how smart my little boy is. Digging in stockings. Looking in boxes. Pulling wrapping paper. He catches on quick!

We are so thankful for our wonderful family and the wonderful time we had with our beautiful smiley boy for his first Christmas.

The best present in the world is my bubba and getting to watch him smile. Most beautiful smile I've ever seen!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

11 Month Old Cuddle Giggle Bug

Don't let the name of this blog fool you. Just because I said "Cuddle Bug" doesn't mean he actually sits still for any amount of time. HAHA.

11 months down the road...almost a year and it still amazes me that I have this beautiful gift. I can't believe I have this amazing boy. Who knew that any one's heart could feel this huge.

Bubba is saying momma even more these days which just makes my heart melt. I've come to find out that he doesn't say it as often because...we're always together (go figure). However, when he's scared or tired he calls me and I know he knows who I am. Most. Amazing. Feeling. Ever. He is also fully aware who dada is. He's known for about 3 months now but will most definitely look straight at this dada and say dada. Awesome :). Bubba's other word is "no." He's learned it from the many times we've had to keep him from climbing over the ottoman by the stairs or to pull the tv on himself. Oh and one other word bubba likes to say is "bubba." That's what mommy calls him all day long.
Yes that's 7 teeth now! :)

This boy LOVES to eat. I can't say that enough. It's truly a wonder that he's not larger than he is...well actually I guess it's not a wonder. Like I said earlier...this boy doesn't sit still so...there goes all the calories. Meatballs are still his favorite. He LOVES french fries. Especially when mommy puts ranch on them (who doesn't love that?).

We have discovered one thing that will stop this boy in his crazy tracks and make him sit still....Elf. My favorite holiday movie. Bubba absolutely loves it. Plus there's lots of great music on it too. My bubba is a Christmas boy. Maybe he wants to be an elf when he grows up :).

Bubba watching Elf

Something new this month. Hudson takes a break every now and then to hug and kiss his momma and dada. It's the sweetest cuddle ever. He puts both of his arms under his chest and just melts into yours. I love it when he rests his head on my shoulder. We are so lucky.

Bubba's favorite thing to do right now is walk mommy to the mailbox. We walk all the way there and all the way back (about a 1/4 mile). He stops to look at the Christmas lights. I love to see his face light up. Then he goes onto the next house. When we get to the end by the mailbox there's a blowup NASCAR Santa display that he always stops and looks at the longest. I think this boy will definitely know who Santa is next year. We are soooo excited!

Bubba also loves to look at his turtle light at night before bedtime. He turns the turtle on and looks up waiting for me to turn the lights off so he can see the stars on the ceiling. As his mother of course I say this but...he's just so smart!

A few more new things....bubba is an aspiring river dancer. He just gets those feet moving in place. It's the cutest thing. Oh and back on saying the word no...when you tell bubba no he makes a pout face and looks at you like, "what the heck mom and dad."
Bubba's Pout Face

I can't believe how sweet this boy. He loves to run to your arms like you saved the day and man that's the best. He bounces up and down in his bed when he sees you after he wakes up. He's the light of our lives and he makes us feel like we're his! Happy 11 months sweet boy!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Buda Trail of Lights 2012

This Friday we packed up bubba and took him down to Buda to meet mawmaw, pawpaw, Brigette, Bryan, Jessica, Riley, Vincent, Nanny, James and Noah to walk the Buda trail of lights. 

It was love at first sight for Hudson. He absolutely loved all of the lights and wanted to touch them.....all of them. If we let him loose he'd probably rip all of the lights down. 

Bubba walked a little and was mostly carried. He even sat next to Santa. He wasn't too sure about Santa until he offered some candy. Then he was interested for sure. 

I've gone to the Buda trail of lights every year and have always put what I'm grateful for on the wishing tree. A few years back we wished for a baby. Last year we were pregnant. This year our little sunshine is with us. It's so much fun to see his little face light up with all of the Christmas lights.

Maw maw & Paw Paw in front of the penguin driving the truck. Aunt Brigette (top right). Nanny (bottom left). Cute cousins. Noah and Hudson (bottom right).

Reaching for the stars and snowflakes :).

Our ornament on the wish tree :)

Sweet Clem Family

Thanks to Karl's work we've met the sweetest family ever. The Clems. Natalie, Matt and Baby Noah. We've gotten together on several occasions to eat yummy dishes and watch our boys play. Hudson and Noah know each other well. You get them both on the floor and no one else exists.

Our last play date Natalie made us some yummy enchiladas. Natalie is a great cook! We even shared some ice cream with the boys!

These two boys play with each other, chase each other, race down the hall together, share toys and even on occasion share a drink. Definitely two great friends in the making.

Not only do our boys get to play together but mommy has made a great friend! I'd say that's a win win win for everyone :). We are so lucky to have met this sweet little family!

The pictures on the left are from our latest play date. The pictures on the right are from the PMB Christmas Party. Thanks for taking our picture Natalie! :)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

This Boy Loves Lights

I'm so very excited about the holidays with Hudson. He absolutely LOVES lights. I can't wait to take him to the Zilker Tree. You can count on me to take a billion photos haha. Dada put the lights on a timer at our house and so we wait outside right before 6 and as soon as the lights come on Hudson's face lights up and he's stunned. This boy is the light of my life!

Attempting A Family Photo

Now I know why it costs a lot of money to get a family picture done. It takes a whole team of people to distract babies to get them to look straight ahead and somewhat try to get a smile out of them. We didn't hire anyone. My dad took these for us (thanks dad!) All I have to say is WHEW and Poor dad! After 30+ we were able to get a few good ones.

We tried taking a picture on Thanksgiving Day, then the day after, and then finally decided that for our Christmas card we would put a picture of our beautiful son without us on the front. I won't share the final product because chances are...if you are reading are going to get a Christmas card :)

Anyhow, here are a few I loved but they didn't quiet make the cut!

 I LOVE the smile on Hudson's Face!
 The fire was pretty but kind of washed out Karl's face.
 I absolutely LOVE this picture of  bubba and dada. I seriously contemplated putting just a picture of the two of them haha. Love it!

1. 2. 3. Thanksgivings

I'm a little late on this post for Thanksgiving but it's definitely worth mentioning (everything that involves Hudson is haha).

Dada worked the UT game on Thanksgiving Day so we had Thanksgiving lunch at mawmaw and pawpaw's house where my whole clan always gets together. Bubba ate so much he was literally throwing up. He LOVED my mom's dressing and my squash casserole which is basically just cheese haha. Bubba also shared some pumpkin pie with his pawpaw and loved it!

Black Friday was not spent shopping (thankfully...I've never done that). Instead we went to see our family in San Antonio that we missed on Thanksgiving Day. Karl's aunt Betty, Cousin Cyndi, Cousin Christi and Grady, Cousin Dallas, Ashley and Baby Landon! Such a cutie pie. They had their first play date and of course Hudson wanted to reach out to his little cousin. Such a lover always. Hudson also quickly fell in love with aunt Betty as anyone who meets her does :).

The next day Nana and Pops came over for turkey and dressing leftovers. Momma and dada put up Christmas lights the night before so we were all able to enjoy the Christmas lights with bubba. So glad Karl wanted to put lights up. Hudson's face just lights up and of course he wants to touch them! I can already tell my bubba is going to LOVE Christmas :).

Side note:  My aunt KK sent us a message from Santa where he talks to the baby and refers to them by their name! I know I've seen this in the past but there's nothing more exciting than hearing your baby's name from Santa! It seriously brought a tear to my eye because I know that we have so many amazing years ahead of us! Let the magical fun begin!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

New Orleans 2012

We took Hudson to New Orleans after dada had a conference with work for some good food, great music, carriage ride, trolley ride, exploring the hotel, aquarium (my favorite part), family time and more.

Hudson ate a lot of food. Tried gumbo and LOVED it (of course)! Even took him to Cafe Du Monde and had beignets and he had pralines too. We had a blast with our little cajun.

Maw Maw and Paw Paw came with us for the long car ride there.

Hudson loved the Aquarium. I can't wait to take him to another one. Loved watching him wrap his mind around the fish.

10 Month Old Track Star

Did you see him? Hudson? have to be quick because this 10 month old is a speed racer. I think I just got an idea for his next Halloween costume. Haha.

This boy is on the go and there's no stopping him. I can't believe he can walk let alone run. Especially from things. All you have to say is, "I'm going to get yoooouuu" and he's off. He started off looking like a drunk baby and now he's got this walking business down.

Bubba eats so much food it's a wonder that he's not 25 lbs. I think he's actually 21 lbs now. Can't sit him still to weigh him. His feet are HUGE. I was literally sweating trying to put shoes on him that "should fit" him and come to find out, thanks to my friend Shellie Deringer, I measured his feet and he's supposed to be in toddler shoes. And so the larger shoe search begins. :)

Hudson loves meat too and ranch dressing. I'm seriously considering just putting ranch on everything...probably not healthy so I'll let him do that later but it has crossed my mind :).

We took him to New Orleans and he ate so much food. So much...that he spit up. He seems to have the same problem we have...he doesn't know when to stop.

Some new things:
Hudson is a clapper and a high-fiver. So cute! He also does this adorable snuffing thing at us. I love it! part...he loves to Kiss! He smacks his lips and waits for you to plant one on him. Sweetest thing in the world. He also kisses mommy and daddy in the morning. SO SWEET. He's a lover :)

He's also been looking between his legs a lot. Of which I've been told he's looking for a sibling. We'll get him one sooner or later :)

Bella is his first love. After visiting New Orleans we stopped in Sulphur to visit family and he attacked Bella. He's got a thing for pretty brunettes :). When Genvieve from ChooChoo Soul comes on he stops what he's doing and stares at the tv. He dances and flaps his arms like a birdie.

Bubba is also SUPER attached to mommy. Doesn't like it when I'm working and not giving him all of my attention. I love my weekends with my bubba. No work and all play. That's the best time of my life :). He's also attached to dada. Pulling away from others when they try to take him. He LOVES his dada. Dada is always a good time.

Happy 10 months speedy. You are so much fun!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Clap Clap Clap

Walking/Running 10/29/12

This boy scared himself into running! Bubba is officially a walker. It is so crazy!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Best 28th Birthday Ever :)

Why was this birthday the best you ask? You probably already know haha. My bubba was there. Last year he was chillin in my belly and this year he was a big part of the fun.

Cousin Jeff and April bought our little bubba a glow in the dark skeleton costume so we decided that we were going to be a family of skeletons for my birthday.

We had so much fun. We stayed the night with my parent's Saturday and bubba took 6-7 steps! He's getting so close to walking :). It's Awesome :) I'm so proud of my cutie patootie :)

We had so much fun with the whole family. We are so lucky that our family loves to get together and have a Halloween party every year. It's so much fun. It makes me feel like a kid again. This year I felt like a little kid with a beautiful sweet baby.

I can't believe bubba will be 1 in just three months. This time has flown by fast.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

9 Months In and Out

As my sweet friend Natalie pointed out my bubba has been on this earth for as long as I carried him in my belly. Carrying him in my belly felt like an eternity because I was so anxious to see this beautiful baby and now it feels like I've never known a time without him. Life had not started until this little firecracker came into it. Ok, most people take belly shots when they are pregnant. We didn't do that but we did decide to take this one at Christmas LOL.'s you know who I'm married to?

My 9 month old firecracker for sure. Every month Hudson learns more and more and it's so exciting to see the wheels turn in his head. His face of discovery is amazing to me. His face is always changing. He sometimes looks just like his daddy but then sometimes looks the way his mommy did when I was a baby. It is so much fun to see the many faces of Hudson.

Bubba says, "dada, momma, nana and bubba." I think he knows what mama means (of course I want to think that haha). I just love to hear him say it :).

We started some yummy foods. Pancakes, meatballs, chicken, crackers and a few other. He doesn't like pureed meats anymore so meatballs are awesome! This doesn't surprise me but he still loves the pureed fruit. They are sweet! He's also definitely his father's son. We took him to Kirby Lane for the pancake of the day (pumpkin mmmm) and Karl gave him a taste of his ranch dressing from his salad.  He no longer wanted the pancake! He wanted to keep eating the ranch dressing. We also started fresh blackberries and blueberries. I made him blueberry pancakes for his 9 month birthday and this is how it turned out (haha).

Bubba is also taking 3 steps! He falls afterwards or decides that crawling is a much more efficient mode of transportation. He's so fast. He also likes us to hold his hands so he can walk / almost run around the living room. I think he's going to run as soon as he gets his balance figured out (I'm scared hahaha). I can barely keep up now haha.

He has 5 teeth! Almost time for steak! I wonder if that's a Texas thing. Everyone says that when they see his teeth. So funny. He also likes to be chased and if you corner him he laughs because he doesn't know what to do. It's so much fun. I love it!

At his 9 month checkup the doctor asked if he liked to look at books. We said he likes to eat them because...he does. The corners are missing on one of his little books. That same day we came home and he actually sat still (very odd for this boy) and read the book with Paw Paw. He also let me read it to him 4 times this morning. I think it's time for those books with the animals in them that you can touch. Fun!

Bubba has a little separation anxiety...ok a lot haha. If momma is in the room then he's got to see me and if someone is holding him he wants to come to me. He's my sidekick. He's also crazy about his dada. Always crawling all over him. It's all smiles with dada. Dada is the life of our little party.
Happy 9 Month Bubba. We love you!!