Saturday, December 15, 2012

Buda Trail of Lights 2012

This Friday we packed up bubba and took him down to Buda to meet mawmaw, pawpaw, Brigette, Bryan, Jessica, Riley, Vincent, Nanny, James and Noah to walk the Buda trail of lights. 

It was love at first sight for Hudson. He absolutely loved all of the lights and wanted to touch them.....all of them. If we let him loose he'd probably rip all of the lights down. 

Bubba walked a little and was mostly carried. He even sat next to Santa. He wasn't too sure about Santa until he offered some candy. Then he was interested for sure. 

I've gone to the Buda trail of lights every year and have always put what I'm grateful for on the wishing tree. A few years back we wished for a baby. Last year we were pregnant. This year our little sunshine is with us. It's so much fun to see his little face light up with all of the Christmas lights.

Maw maw & Paw Paw in front of the penguin driving the truck. Aunt Brigette (top right). Nanny (bottom left). Cute cousins. Noah and Hudson (bottom right).

Reaching for the stars and snowflakes :).

Our ornament on the wish tree :)

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