Thursday, December 27, 2012

1st Best Christmas

All these years I finally realized what it's like to be a parent who couldn't wait to see their baby's face on Christmas morning. We just happened to luck out that our 11 month old angel had a smile on his face when we woke him up at 6 AM. He was soooo sweet. just got better. We took him downstairs and he knew how to reach into the stocking and pull things out! I can't believe how curious this boy is. It absolutely amazes me! Before we headed down to Mawmaw and Pawpaw's house we gave him a coupe car. Thanks to our neighbors across the street who have two boys a little older than Hudson. We recycled their coupe car and gave it to Hudson. He got right in and started hitting the horn and waived bye to the camera. He just makes everything amazing.

We packed up the car and headed to Mawmaw and Pawpaw Wilson's house. Christmas started at 8 AM. The house was full of presents and my entire clan including Hudson's great great mawmaw Leatha from Louisiana. My bubba's absolute favorite toy is the Chuggington train he received from pawpaw and mawmaw. He's been sitting on it every day all day.

At 10 AM we headed to Pops and Nana's house. Bubba dug in dada's stocking and his. So cute, sticking his head in the stocking looking for more. Bubba got lots of books :). He is a reader for sure. After bubba took a much needed nap we ate lunch and my sweet bubba loved green beans and uncle Patrick's awesome potato casserole. YUM!

5 PM we packed everything up and heading back to Mawmaw and Pawpaw's house for dinner. Bubba played with his cousin Noah. He even tried to kiss and hug him. He definitely loves his cousin Noah. Always looking to see what he's doing and tries to play with him. Two great cousins for sure!

We had such an amazing Christmas. I can't believe how smart my little boy is. Digging in stockings. Looking in boxes. Pulling wrapping paper. He catches on quick!

We are so thankful for our wonderful family and the wonderful time we had with our beautiful smiley boy for his first Christmas.

The best present in the world is my bubba and getting to watch him smile. Most beautiful smile I've ever seen!

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