Sunday, December 2, 2012

Attempting A Family Photo

Now I know why it costs a lot of money to get a family picture done. It takes a whole team of people to distract babies to get them to look straight ahead and somewhat try to get a smile out of them. We didn't hire anyone. My dad took these for us (thanks dad!) All I have to say is WHEW and Poor dad! After 30+ we were able to get a few good ones.

We tried taking a picture on Thanksgiving Day, then the day after, and then finally decided that for our Christmas card we would put a picture of our beautiful son without us on the front. I won't share the final product because chances are...if you are reading are going to get a Christmas card :)

Anyhow, here are a few I loved but they didn't quiet make the cut!

 I LOVE the smile on Hudson's Face!
 The fire was pretty but kind of washed out Karl's face.
 I absolutely LOVE this picture of  bubba and dada. I seriously contemplated putting just a picture of the two of them haha. Love it!


  1. i can't find one good pic of the 3 of really is a difficult task!!!!

    1. It sure does. I'm thinking it will take a whole team of people haha. I can't wait to see y'all's. I absolutely love y'all's photos every year. Y'all take the best :)
