Sunday, December 30, 2012

Austin Trail of Lights 2012

So, I'm a little behind. Lots of catching up to do.

I'm so glad the Austin Trail of Lights is back but not so crazy about the craziness of people. We took bubba the last day it was open and it was a madhouse. There was a long line to get in and we didn't get to see much BUT bubba still had a grand ol time. I can't wait to see how excited bubba is about Christmas next year because Christmas 2012 was the best yet!

We've gone to the Austin Trail of Lights / Christmas Tree for a long time. It is a tradition that my mawmaw and aunt Wendy started when I was probably 11 or 12. I've always made a point to go each year. I know my mawmaw would have loved it.

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