Sunday, December 2, 2012

1. 2. 3. Thanksgivings

I'm a little late on this post for Thanksgiving but it's definitely worth mentioning (everything that involves Hudson is haha).

Dada worked the UT game on Thanksgiving Day so we had Thanksgiving lunch at mawmaw and pawpaw's house where my whole clan always gets together. Bubba ate so much he was literally throwing up. He LOVED my mom's dressing and my squash casserole which is basically just cheese haha. Bubba also shared some pumpkin pie with his pawpaw and loved it!

Black Friday was not spent shopping (thankfully...I've never done that). Instead we went to see our family in San Antonio that we missed on Thanksgiving Day. Karl's aunt Betty, Cousin Cyndi, Cousin Christi and Grady, Cousin Dallas, Ashley and Baby Landon! Such a cutie pie. They had their first play date and of course Hudson wanted to reach out to his little cousin. Such a lover always. Hudson also quickly fell in love with aunt Betty as anyone who meets her does :).

The next day Nana and Pops came over for turkey and dressing leftovers. Momma and dada put up Christmas lights the night before so we were all able to enjoy the Christmas lights with bubba. So glad Karl wanted to put lights up. Hudson's face just lights up and of course he wants to touch them! I can already tell my bubba is going to LOVE Christmas :).

Side note:  My aunt KK sent us a message from Santa where he talks to the baby and refers to them by their name! I know I've seen this in the past but there's nothing more exciting than hearing your baby's name from Santa! It seriously brought a tear to my eye because I know that we have so many amazing years ahead of us! Let the magical fun begin!!!

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