Saturday, October 20, 2012

9 Months In and Out

As my sweet friend Natalie pointed out my bubba has been on this earth for as long as I carried him in my belly. Carrying him in my belly felt like an eternity because I was so anxious to see this beautiful baby and now it feels like I've never known a time without him. Life had not started until this little firecracker came into it. Ok, most people take belly shots when they are pregnant. We didn't do that but we did decide to take this one at Christmas LOL.'s you know who I'm married to?

My 9 month old firecracker for sure. Every month Hudson learns more and more and it's so exciting to see the wheels turn in his head. His face of discovery is amazing to me. His face is always changing. He sometimes looks just like his daddy but then sometimes looks the way his mommy did when I was a baby. It is so much fun to see the many faces of Hudson.

Bubba says, "dada, momma, nana and bubba." I think he knows what mama means (of course I want to think that haha). I just love to hear him say it :).

We started some yummy foods. Pancakes, meatballs, chicken, crackers and a few other. He doesn't like pureed meats anymore so meatballs are awesome! This doesn't surprise me but he still loves the pureed fruit. They are sweet! He's also definitely his father's son. We took him to Kirby Lane for the pancake of the day (pumpkin mmmm) and Karl gave him a taste of his ranch dressing from his salad.  He no longer wanted the pancake! He wanted to keep eating the ranch dressing. We also started fresh blackberries and blueberries. I made him blueberry pancakes for his 9 month birthday and this is how it turned out (haha).

Bubba is also taking 3 steps! He falls afterwards or decides that crawling is a much more efficient mode of transportation. He's so fast. He also likes us to hold his hands so he can walk / almost run around the living room. I think he's going to run as soon as he gets his balance figured out (I'm scared hahaha). I can barely keep up now haha.

He has 5 teeth! Almost time for steak! I wonder if that's a Texas thing. Everyone says that when they see his teeth. So funny. He also likes to be chased and if you corner him he laughs because he doesn't know what to do. It's so much fun. I love it!

At his 9 month checkup the doctor asked if he liked to look at books. We said he likes to eat them because...he does. The corners are missing on one of his little books. That same day we came home and he actually sat still (very odd for this boy) and read the book with Paw Paw. He also let me read it to him 4 times this morning. I think it's time for those books with the animals in them that you can touch. Fun!

Bubba has a little separation anxiety...ok a lot haha. If momma is in the room then he's got to see me and if someone is holding him he wants to come to me. He's my sidekick. He's also crazy about his dada. Always crawling all over him. It's all smiles with dada. Dada is the life of our little party.
Happy 9 Month Bubba. We love you!!