Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Happy October Santo Wildcats

Last Thursday Shawn'Na, bubba and I took a 3 1/2 hour trip to Santo, Texas to see my sweet KK and Marky. Bubba slept like a champ on the way their. We left at 7 PM so he'd sleep (best way to travel in my opinion).

He woke up when we got there with too much excitement and went back to bed at midnight! KK and Marky had to go to school on Friday so we hung out in the back yard by the lake. It was a beautiful morning.

At 3 PM we went to the Santo School pep rally. It was geared towards Breast Cancer Awareness so we wore our pink for support. They had an awesome show where they turned the lights off and everyone had glow in the dark bracelets or necklaces and the cheerleaders did a routine with strobe lights and flashing pompoms. I thought Hudson would be scared but he loved it! He also LOVED the gym after it was over (or I did lol). I was able to safely put him down and let him go wild.

That night we went to the Santo Highschool football game and saw Marky do his drum major business. He was awesome of course. The band played Party Rock and I still can't get it out of my head haha. Hudson was in love with the cutest ever little Cheyenne. Only in Santo would their be a cow right next to the football field haha jk!

The next day we went to Weatherford with KK and Shawn'Na and spotted a pumpkin patch. I've wanted to take pictures of my cutie in the pumpkins and so we did. He was adorable (of course) and wanted to eat the straw and a baby pumpkin.

We had a wonderful weekend!

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