Sunday, October 28, 2012

Best 28th Birthday Ever :)

Why was this birthday the best you ask? You probably already know haha. My bubba was there. Last year he was chillin in my belly and this year he was a big part of the fun.

Cousin Jeff and April bought our little bubba a glow in the dark skeleton costume so we decided that we were going to be a family of skeletons for my birthday.

We had so much fun. We stayed the night with my parent's Saturday and bubba took 6-7 steps! He's getting so close to walking :). It's Awesome :) I'm so proud of my cutie patootie :)

We had so much fun with the whole family. We are so lucky that our family loves to get together and have a Halloween party every year. It's so much fun. It makes me feel like a kid again. This year I felt like a little kid with a beautiful sweet baby.

I can't believe bubba will be 1 in just three months. This time has flown by fast.

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