Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Dallas - 3 Birds 1 Stone

So this weekend we planned  trip to see our sweet friends The Clem family in Dallas and aunt KK who lives in Palo Pinto. We planned to go to the Dallas World Aquarium so our boys could check out the fish together and it’s easiest to keep them chill with lots of distractions. Or at least that’s my plan for Hudson. Gotta keep that boy entertained. They had such a blast!

Hudson and Noah are like two pals who even after not seeing each other for awhile pick up like old friends. So very sweet. Holding each other’s hands, sitting next each other and making discoveries together. My favorite part was when they boys were watching the otters together. The otters loved the boys. They kept swimming up to them and the boys were just engulfed in the amazing creatures. Another favorite part was the shark tunnel. So very cool for everyone.

How was the Aquarium overall? Pretty awesome. Perfect size for those who don’t have an entire day to go through an attraction. Perfect for our boys. They also had beautiful birds, monkeys, crocodiles, turtle, penguins and more. They even had a bird you could feed blueberries. Hudson missed the memo on that because as soon as we handed him the blueberry he ate it. Found out he has a love for blueberries so that worked out lol.

I just love the Clem family. Best friends I’ve made in a long time. Miss this so much. Afterwards we went to a restaurant called Bread Winners. YUM! They have bread out at the table and it’s not like normal bread. It’s awesome bread with nuts or cranberries or all kinds of good stuff. Needless to say I would be the size of a house if I ate there often. Definitely will be a Dallas visit favorite. Noah was sooo good sitting and eating his food in the high chair. I had to chase Hudson around because sitting is not an option (lol). We finally learned to push our chairs together to make a Hudson trap and it worked for a little bit. One day…..he’ll like restaurants haha. It wasn’t too bad. We just walked outside and even sat in Hudson’s first bar. LOL! As we said fairwell to our super sweet friends we headed to aunt KK’s house.

On our way there I saw a red barn. Thought it looked familiar and knew I was close to KK’s house haha. Not sure how I remembered the red barn but I did. KK lives on a Lake and it’s beautiful. We had some yummy pork that Hudson loved too. They kept saying, “It’s going to be hot, might not want to give it to Hudson” and of course he ate it. Boy loves flavor. Then the next morning KK made us an awesome breakfast with blueberries and waffles. Hudson devoured the blueberries. KK’s house is so peaceful. The hammock was calling my name but the boss, Hudson, wouldn’t let me haha. Maybe next year.

On our way home we stopped by Uncle Robert's house for a brief hour because of the heat. Dada almost caught a huge catfish and we met the cows. 

A great weekend with friends and family is the best you can have. :)

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