Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sweetest Things Lately

1. Momma reads you a book every night called Spot Love His Mommy. Every time I get to the last page where "Mommy reads Spot a story and they snuggle up together" you turn and "squeeze" me and give me a kiss. You are amazing.

2. I rock and sing you to sleep for naps and sometimes bed time. And when you sit in a rocking chair the sweetest tunes come out of your mouth. Angel!

3. Sometimes mommy makes a humming noise when she's putting you to sleep. When you are half asleep you make the same noises back to me. 

4. When you are super sleepy you give loooots of kisses. 

5. You love when mommy buzzes in your ear when we read the duck book with the bees. You pull my face to your ear and make me do it over and over again.

6. Your daddy makes me feel pretty when I'm by his side and my best smile is when I'm looking at you.

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