Thursday, July 4, 2013

Austin Zoo on the 4th of July

Nana and pops bought us tickets to go to the Austin Zoo. Luckily they were open on the 4th of July. We were all off of work so it worked out great!

The whole gang was able to go. Nana, pops, Hapa, Shelly (& peanut), Patrick and us three. So glad we all went. 

The zoo has lots of great animals and rescued ones. Such a sweet zoo. Perfect for bubba to walk around and see lions, tigers, bears, turtles, birds and more. Hudson loved it and had a noise for each animal. He would roar and meow. And nana taught him to act like a monkey. So cute! 

Bubba's favorite part? I'd say the snow cone and flirting with girls on the train ride haha. He really enjoyed feeding the goats until one got ahold of his whole hand. Poor bubba. He was forgiving though. Hudson even tried to even out the feeding between goats by switching to feed the others when one would try to hog all of the food. 

The reptile house was one of his favorites too. He loved to watch the snakes move. Bubba was so cute. Meowing at the lions and tigers. Quacking at the geese. Baa-ing at the sheep. Squawking at the birds and flapping his hands. Perfect place for my sweet animal loving angel. The great thing is it is no more than 10 mins from our house. We will def be visiting Often. Thanks nana & pops!

Bubba was blowing kisses and waiving to the girls 3 seats behind us. Such a lady's man :)

Happy 4th!!

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