Sunday, July 21, 2013

Turtle In The Water New Words

Dada went fishing this weekend to Poco Bueno. Can't wait to take bubba when he's old enough but this weekend we hung back. We had a lot of fun :) even though we missed dada.

Friday we went to nana and pops' house. Rode around in a wheel barrel, had Chick Fil A and enjoyed a fun night. As it always is :). Even took Daisy for a spin.

Saturday bubba and I went to the pool. I determined to teach him to swim because he will not wear any type of floatation device. Scary? Yes. Do I take my eyes off of him? Never. So, this time I taught bubba to move his arms like he was swimming. We usually tell him to kick his feet and he does but I never thought to tell him to move his arms. We practiced that several times. We also would count to three and dunk our heads under the water. My son is a nut (not a secret) but he loves to put his face in the water (ayayayay). He tested my discipline also but almost jumping into the deep end without mommy there to catch but definitely had to teach him that was a "no no" and now he says "no no no no." LOL!

Bubba also started saying "whoa whoa" when he comes close to falling. I never realized how much I say whoa when he's about to fall but my copy cat has picked that up. Love it.

Mawmaw came over Saturday night. While we were at dinner mawmaw suggested going to a movie. I was immediately hesitant because Hudson doesn't sit still for anything and really won't do it if you try to make him. With dada's approval, we decided to try it out knowing we would be ready to walk out at any sign of a breakdown. As soon as we stepped foot in front of the big screen he was in awe. He didn't take his eyes off of it the entire time. Held the popcorn in his lap. Reach in to get a bite throughout the whole movie. He was perfect. At first I couldn't take my eyes off of him because I was sooo surprised he was mesmerized. I always knew I'd have a great movie buddy one day. :)

Today we took bubba back to the Austin Zoo. I'm so glad it's so close to us and it's just such a fun sweet zoo. Bubba learned how to say turtle. This boy seriously amazes me every day. He told me that there was a "turtle" in the "water" and that there was "another" one.

Bubba, momma is forever stunned. I love you so much. You are my best friend!

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