Friday, July 19, 2013

18 Month Old Bruiser

Nope, that's not a headband you see. It's a permanent bruise station on his forehead. Hudson is so rambunctious! He's constantly falling from jumping, running and being a nut and gets so many bruises! His Dr at his 18 month check up said she wouldn't be surprised if he had to get stitches before 3 years old!!! Even she can tell from a short visit that he's a wild one. And boy are we lucky! He is awesome and so much fun to watch. I'm not scared anymore because I know there's nothing I can do to keep it from happening. We have joked about a helmet but let me get to stitches and we will see if I hit go on that plan.

This month went by so fast! I can't even believe he's already a year and a half. Wow. The time is flying as fast as he runs. 

New things this month. Lots of new words for what he wants. Hudson is not only good at giving direction but awesome at taking it. You can ask him to do a lot of things and he somehow understands you. He amazes me. I love it. He helps mommy put toys up, put clothes in the dryer, take things to someone, etc. Such a huge helper. We swear we hear Hudson say things that aren't 100% clear. For example, I swear I've heard him say, "I want water". He's got water down really good. He's also started to tell me when he poops. No longer just dragging me to the stairs to change his diaper. Now he says. Poo poo. This is probably tmi but Hudson likes to hear mommy potty. We do everything together. So. I tell him to listen. He hears a tinkle and says, "potty."

One of my favorite things he says now is every night dada makes him give him hugs before bed time and he alternates putting his head on dada's left and right shoulder. As he's switching from left to right Hudson says, "other" and switches. SO CUTE! Pops also got him to start saying "peekboo" so very precious. Love playing "peekboo" with bubba. My son is a flirt for sure. He looks at you with those big beautiful blue eyes and says, "hi." As if he's flirting with you. Melts my heart!

My favorite time is in the morning. I ask bubba to snuggle with me. He wraps his arms around my neck and lays there. Our hearts talk to each other and it's truly the best feeling in the world. I'm truly the luckiest person in the world.

*Bottom right photo is when gravity happens to a beautiful baby face. LOVE his lips!!! :)

Also this month we had some very exciting news. Hudson is going to be getting (hehe) a baby boy cousin come November 18th. Liam Arlen Biehle will be joining us. We're so very excited. I can't wait to see how sweet Hudson is to his new baby cousin. I know it's going to be love at first site!

Last but not least, Hudson is grandpa's side kick. He must know he has his middle name. :) Like two souls meant to be buddies 103 years a part in age. Grandpa is awesome and Hudson knows it!


  1. You are such an amazing mama!!

    1. Awe!! Thank you Shawn'Na!!! I love you!!! I've learned some great things from you! YOU are an amazing nanny!! :)
