Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Weekend To Remember 6/21

Dada went fishing with pawpaw this past weekend and since my bubba is well aware that his dada is gone it's up to me to find something to fun to do. Well, I just want to keep my bubba entertained and make him happy :)

So...what did we do? Thursday right after dada left we got into the car and drove to Circle C. A lady I met in our neighborhood said that she would take her little one to the Circle C park. I didn't ask much about it because I assumed it was by the pool. Luckily my sweet friend Leslie told me about the Circle C Ranch Metropolitan Park. That park is probably one of my favorites due to all of the nice shade. Hudson doesn't ever want to be inside. So shade is going to be our best friend right now. It's HOT.

Friday we went to Zilker Park. I hadn't been in a long time and didn't know they had these huge xylophones. Hudson ran around and played. Two ladies sitting close by said they loved watching him. They pointed out how Hudson doesn't want my help with anything but wants to make sure I'm watching. I'm a proud momma for sure. He's forever amazing in my eyes.

Saturday morning we woke up and headed to the Park in Buda for Caleb's 1st birthday. Caleb is my high school buddy's, Miranda's, baby boy. Then during Hudson's nap time we drove down to Landa park in New Braunfels to meet nanny, Noah, Marky, Riley, KK and Brigette. That park is so much fun! My aunt's called it "Baby Schlitterbahn." Probably my favorite spot all weekend. Fun in the water. We let Hudson ride down a slide by himself and his life jacket turned him upside down. He cried when he got to the bottom  but then literally took my hand to pull me back to the slide at least 5 more times. To ride down with him of course. Always game for a thrill. Afterwards we rode the little train and Hudson attacked Noah with kisses. It was hilarious to see Noah's face. He was pretty over all the loving. So funny. The boys grabbed each other's hands and played together. They are really great little cousins :).

Sunday was definitely a chill day. Dada and I took bubba back to our new favorite park in the shade. So what kind of weekend did we have? An adventurous one of course :). Love my outdoor adventurous boy. Bubba, you are momma's best friend!

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