Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend with the Lancasters

This weekend dada went fishing with pawpaw so we had the Lancasters over for a slumber party. We partied hard and the boys slept sooo good!

Friday we went to the pool twice! As soon as nanny and Noah showed up the boys were running around together non-stop. Noah is such a good protective big cousin to Hudson and Hudson tries to keep up. It's so awesome to see them play together, share things and be sweet to each other. Definitely makes you see how they would be with a sibling. 

Friday we went to the pool and then shopping so we could cook up some yummy fajitas. Then mawmaw came over and it was back to the pool. Both boys were worn out (so was I haha). They slept so good :). Brace yourself....I stayed up talking to nanny until 1:30! I can't remember the last time I stayed up that late on my own accord. Haha. Totally nerdy? Yes. Do you expect anything else from me? Haha.

Saturday morning we hung out. I made eggless French toast for the boys and it was surprisingly really yummy. I was glad it was definitely a hit with Noah :). 

We planned a trip to the snake farm and it was so awesome. We packed all in one car (so cute) and drove down to New Branfels so the boys could see snakes AND meet Blue from Rio. Bubba was stunned. So awesome to see his face see the big blue macaws for the first time. A real live one. They were beautiful! And really large too. It surprised me ;). 

We headed back home for some pizza and more pool time. Bubba had another great night of sleep. We definitely were all worn out. Loved having them over so much. It was like a mini vacation in our own home. Can't wait to do it again :). Love you nanny and Noah!! :)

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