Saturday, June 1, 2013

CapTex Momma in 2013

There's just something about training for something and completing it that is so much more special now that I'm a mom. It's probably because I have to work that much harder to find time to train and also train with my sweet baby. Hudson went on a few bike rides with me and definitely did some running with me as I trained for CapTex 2013. I'm so very glad I signed up. I wasn't able to get away much to do the swim portion but definitely didn't disappoint myself. In times when it would get hard to train I'd say to myself that I was doing it for Hudson. I was definitely doing it for myself but I hope one day to be an inspiration to my bubba and hope that one day we can do races together. I definitely can't wait for that. I'm already scoping out bikes for him to ride next to me as I run. That's gonna be us for sure :)

^not the most flattering pics but here are pics from each year. Same swimsuit! LOL! I love my swimsuit. Trying to find another one like it :)

How did training work? I trained when my dad would come to play with Hudson and also a few hours on the weekend thanks to my wonderful husband. Wouldn't have been able to do it without their help.

My favorite part? The BIKE! My awesome sissy-in-law let me borrow her Cannondale Synapse. Ummm...let me just tell you...I'm sold. I want a bike like that so bad and would highly consider saving my money to buy one if I planned on doing more. I've never (in my 3 races lol) pulled past anyone on a bike...this time..I did and it felt awesome! I won't be buying one soon cause we do plan on having another baby eventually and while this Triathlon was fun I'm going to stick to races I know my bubba can be with me while I train.

My next adventure? Signed up for the Austin Marathon for Feb 2014. Crazy but can't wait to start training. I found a great training program for moms because I was NOT going to sign up unless I saw that it was doable. Hudson can do most of my runs during the week with me and when we get close to the race (14 weeks out) I will have to run on the weekends without him but I definitely think it's doable.  I'm committed so I will make it work :). Even if I have to run at 4 AM. That's the plan anyway haha. I dreamed of doing one before I was 30 and I will meet that goal with my sister. I can't wait!

I didn't think anyone would come to watch just because it's not my first one but I had some amazing support! My sister and her fiance (hehe) Thomas and Shelly (and peanut hehe) were there in the morning with me. Helping me with my nerves. Fred & Lisa (my boss) showed up to wish me well. I was pleasantly surprised and felt so lucky. My beautiful husband, bubba, father-in-law and Patrick showed up while I started the bike portion. All around I felt very lucky to have them there to cheer me on. They most definitely helped! I also was cheered on by Kris (Shelly's Ironman buddy) and her yelling gave me the push I needed to finish. We got bubba some ice cream after the race and he was pooped! He fell asleep and slept for 3 hours! Karl slept for 2 was fun. A lot of work. And so totally worth it. did I compare? Not too bad for a mom! HAHA:

See how I posted a pic of that bike? I'm in love :) haha. AMAZING!


  1. I am so flipping proud of you and happy for you! I'm very glad we were all there to support you. It's definitely something we all need. And of course, I'll be there in Feb for the marathon - with Peanut! Love you!!!

    1. Awe yay, thank you Shelly. I can't wait to see peanut and you :) hehe :). I love you too!

  2. This is amazing! Your training motivation while working inspires me!!! :)

    1. Thanks sweet Natalie!! :) AHHH I miss y'all already :*(
