April 28th 2013...it was a cool day...the wind was blowing...just kidding I wasn't there but my sissy and Thomas were driving back from Florida after picking up a car and Thomas secretly planned a stop in Pensacola, FL at a cute gazebo and asked my sissy to marry him! Ashley said it was just perfect...as the two of them are for each other. I've always told my sister that her and Thomas have a relationship that our whole family loves and adores. Especially me. I joke with Thomas and tell him he's the male version of me but he's actually so much more. They both are. My sister and I are soul mates...no doubt about that but they are too and it's just on such a different level.

I've never been more proud of two people who consistently try to make each other happy; who have the same dreams and go for them. Two people who are both daring and jump into adventure hand in hand without any reservations..livng every day to it's fullest. Two people who know what they want...what each other wants and strive every day to make it happen. And also make it look effortless! And also two people who say...this is who I am...that is who you are...now let's rock on! HAHA.
I love them both. I'm so very excited for my sissy and Thomas. They both deserve each other and a lifetime of happiness and adventure that they will go on.

We had an engagement party Saturday 5/29. For once I was able to decorate a party for my sister without her help and I must say....it was cute! :) I had a blast and there was so much love just pouring out of it. That's why it was easy :).
We started the night off with dinner at Zorba Greek Diner (an Ashley & Thomas favorite), then went back to their house and had their favorite ice cream, chips, drinks and fun! All of our family was there and Thomas' mom, dad, sissy and aunt came. It was so much fun! I can't even image how fun the rest of the wedding celebrations are going to be. It's going to be a party that will mark the rest of an amazing life together. I can't believe how lucky I am to be a part of such a fun amazing union. Cheers to my two best friends. I love y'all!
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