Monday, June 24, 2013

Never Underestimate a 17 month old

A little late on this post (need. more. time.). Think you can pull a quick one on Hudson? Think again. He's one step ahead of you. He watches you do something one time and he won't forget it. Hudson is a force to be reckoned with.

Our outdoor boy this month for sure. Going out every evening to play ball...and I mean every evening. After changing clothes multiple times I have decided that it makes a lot more sense for me to wear my running clothes while doing what Hudson wants to do. I need moisture wicking everything due to how much a I sweat chasing this boy around. He's so active. Well I've been around "active" babies. He's active on steroids.

This month and every month I'm 100% amazed but what my son can do. People will say things like, "He can't do that yet" or "He doesn't know what that means" and I totally beg to differ. I think people often underestimate the brain power of a baby or child. They know way more than some give them credit for. Hudson knows way more than I could have imagined and we're not holding him back. We are along for the ride.

Hudson is a sharer and a lover. He gets sweeter and sweeter every month. Grabbing the hands of his new little friends and wanting them to play with him. We made a friend from down the street who is visiting from Germany. His name is KaiNoah. Hudson grabs his hand and pulls him to the top of the road to race down or shows him how to crawl in his little tent house. We're not ready yet but I know Hudson is going to be a great big brother. So sweet and helpful. Makes me so very excited for a future sibling. Bubba has also been so sweet to momma and dada. Snuggling in the morning with us. Kissing and patting us as he hugs. Makes my heart feel like it's going to explode.

Something that's not new but continues to amaze me, like everything else, Hudson is so brave! Not shy (unless he's flirting with you). So ready to climb, jump, swim, run, just about anything. We finally got him a life jacket for the pool because there have been several times he wanted to run and jump in the pool without assistance. And he will not wear the baby floaty. jacket it was...must be ready for fishing on a boat or something (hehe).

New words? To name a few...Out, Moon, Water, Milk, Money (pawpaw taught him how to put pawpaw's money in his piggy bank), Bath, Ashley (Ashy), MawMaw, Bike, uh oh, and dada taught him how to say I love you. Which only we can understand but he says it to dada (ANGEL!). 

Eating this month = so frustrating. With more and more molars coming in Hudson is soooo picky and will not eat as much as he used to. He's not starving which is what I have to continue to remember but he is being a lot more selective. Hudson has his 4 front top and 4 front bottom teeth. Two molars on the right (1 up top and 1 on the bottom). 1 molar on the top left and a new coming to match on the bottom right.

Bubba you are growing so fast, learning so much and amazing us by the second. We are so lucky to have our little family. We love you so much bubba. Happy 17 months.

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