Friday, August 9, 2013

Sharing the pain in a funny haha kind of way stuff. Not to be cliche but seriously the best job I've ever had. And the hardest. Love my sweet bubba so much. I'm so lucky to have him and there's not a day that goes by (no matter how exhausting) that I don't thank my lucky stars. 

But...I saw this funny thing on Cartoon Network the other day...something about parenting can't remember exactly but it was this dude telling people without children how to be good friends to people with children. Very funny though. Like a joke show. Guys are sitting around poker table and he says the best way to have a conversation with a dad is to ask, "so...what's your take on daycare?" Or a friend and her mom friend are at a coffee shop and she says, "so tell me about your extremely sore nipples and unbrushed teeth." Super funny. So I wanted to share some funny stories that we could all relate to. 

1. Raise your hand if you seriously have forgotten (or have not had time) to brush your teeth for a day or two? Gross? Of course but its one of those small things on the "list of things to do for yourself" that you somehow can't make time for. My hand is up. Sorry but true. 

2. When the extent of "looking good" is braiding your hair when you are way past the adolescence age of French braids. Lol. 

3. When planning a date night takes too much brain power and you are worried it's going throw off your whole world you've created aka routine. Still raising my hand. 

4. When you've reached that point where you let your child tear up a restaurant by eating sugar packets and dumping it everywhere. And your new definition of "eating out" is chick fil a. 

5.  When you take your kid to the pool at night to skip part of the bedtime routine of a bath. Don't laugh. You know you do it. Ok laugh. We have to release this insanity somehow. 

6. When you take a trip to sonic or anywhere to gain sanity because "alone time" is the divider of your car seat. Lol. 

I could go on. Now share some of your "funny haha" pain with me. 

Life is so much more interesting this way and I wouldn't change a thing. A new prospective on life and what's important is what Hudson has taught me. He's also made me feel like my heart has grown to the size of a watermelon. I'm so lucky to have this speed boat. the most interesting man in the world. 

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