Saturday, August 17, 2013

19 Month Old Potty Boy

Ok so I totally lucked out this week. I know it's only the beginning of this long road of potty training but I was working on the couch on Tuesday. Typing like a mad woman I see Hudson out of the corner of my eye go to the bathroom. He can't get the door open so he walks over to me and says "mama potty". I got up and was thinking ok he wants to go play in the bathroom. We haven't really even touched potty training so I for sure thought he wanted to just play. He walks over to the toilet lifts up the lid and says "potty." So I say, "ok, you want to sit on it?" I take his diaper off and attempt to hold him. We sit there....nothing.  He's wobbling as I try to hold his tiny butt on the big seat. I take him off and run to get his baby potty we bought awhile back when he was pooping in the same place every time. We thought we would just make it available per my friend Natalie's idea. Ran and got the potty that until now has been used as a hat to get a laugh out of bubba. He sits on the potty and pees!!!! What?!? The past 5 days Hudson has gone potty twice and poo poo twice in his potty. I'm totally blown away. Our mimicer has somewhat learned how to use the potty and when to tell me he has to potty or poo poo. Seriously?!? This kid amazes me. Yes...that's a pic of his potty below. That is the only time I will ever post a pic of a potty.
My amazing 19 month old has me forever stunned. Bubba is learning new words all of the time and the best part is he tells me what he wants. We are breaking the barrier of me not knowing. This is huge for me. My biggest struggle with bubba, especially when he's upset, is not knowing what he wants and how I can make it better. When he's tired of being inside he wants to go "out." When he's hungry he goes to the fridge and tells me "milk" or "cheese" or "eat" or "more." In the morning we have "toast". When he's tired of wearing a poopie diaper that I can't smell he says "poo poo." With Hudson being my first baby I have no idea what a 19 month old is supposed to do but all I can tell you that he amazes me. To see hin learn things makes me so happy. And even stuns me. This is the best research project in the world. 

A few other big things to share this month :). We got bubba a puddle jumper and just the other day he was pushing away from momma and pawpaw to swim on his own. So glad I finally got him his "turtle" puddle jumper. Not sure he would wear it if it wasn't for the turtle. Point momma. We've been spending a lot of evenings at the pool during this heat. Not sure why I didn't think of it sooner. Bubba has a blast. 

This has been a month of teething. Whew boy. Poor bubba. He now has 15 teeth. 5 of those came in this month. 2 molars and 3 canines. 

Good eater this month and good sleeper when he's not in pain from teething. 

Last but not least dada has taught bubba how to booty dance. Our son. The booty shaker. The best thing ever. 

Bubba happy 19 months. We are Forever lucky, momma and dada. 

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