Friday, August 30, 2013

Hudson Tells A Story

I have no doubt in my mind that when this boy gets a full vocabulary he's going to talk a million miles an hour. He's talking so much now and as always I'm amazed. Bubba tells stories too with words I don't know but he gets to swinging those arms, pointing those fingers and telling me the most amazing story.

We get up in the morning and Hudson tells me he wants "milk". So we go to the kitchen and get it. And that's how every day starts. 

Get numbers in front of his face and he starts pointing at them repeating the same tone as if he's counting the way mommy does. 

Take him outside and he tells me where the "moon" is. Planes "main" fly above our heads. We can't go to the "road" cause mommy said "no". Because "cars" go by. We wave and say "bye bye". And as each walking neighbor passes we say "hey, hi, or hello". We race down the driveway and he tells me when he's "ready". "Wizards" (lizards), "bugs", "birds" and "trees" are our outdoor buddies. Thanks to our neighbors bubba loves to ride his "bike". 

Take him to the pool and he wants his "nemo," "turtle," "ball," and wants to hang like a "monkey" from the rail in the pool. 

Funny to admit that he knows how to say these but we have: pizza (what sounds like patay), Cheetos, popcorn, cheese, beans, blueberries, bananas, nanny (candy) and he always wants his "water." 

Take him to the "water" and he tells you the "turtles" go "home." 

He always loves to bring momma his first 100 numbers book and point out/say: boat, tractor, banana, duck, flower, toes, ball, shoe, apple, choo choo, fish, hat, etc. 

Momma goes to the "potty" and Hudson follows. Mama change my diaper cause there's "poopoo" in there. Mama kiss my "booboo."

A few phrases: "I don't want to" go home from the park and "come on pawpaw" as we load into the car. Always thirsty from exerting himself and tells me "I want water."

One of my favorites at bedtime. After "bath" we brush teeth and hug and kiss dada. Hugging each side of "dada's" neck saying "other" for each side. Crawls into "mommy's" lap to read a "book". Give dada one last round of loving. They do fin, noggin, "dude" like on nemo. Then says "bye bye daddy." We read and say byebye to the books and then bubba goes "night night" with mommy. 

My favorite one of all. "Mommy" all the time. Looooooove. I say bubba loves? "Mommy!" And then I say mommy loves "bubba". He finishes my sentence and completes my life. Awesome. 

I'm most definitely leaving some out but boy is this fun. So very proud to be in the audience of Hudson's story telling time. 

Last night we went to the Liz Carpenter Fountain again to see the lights in the fountain at night. I'm in love with this area. My new favorite spot with Hudson :).

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