Saturday, August 10, 2013

101+ degrees pool games

We've been taking our outdoor boy to the pool a lot during this heat. Hudson doesn't care that its 104 degrees on our temp gauge outside. Nothing can keep this boy from going out. He is soooooo my child. 

He has me considering starting a clothing line made of moisture whicking material like exercise gear that looks "nice". 

Anywho, because we've been taking him to the pool so much he is getting soooo brave. We still don't have a floatie yet that he will use but yesterday's episode has me on a mission to buy yet another floatie to try. Going to try the puddle jumper. Hopefully that works. 

Since we've been going bubba dunks his head in with momma as we count to three. He also love to jump in and will sometimes try it with no one to catch him. SCARY! He's so brave. Sometimes a little too brave. Hence the new floatie mission. Yesterday he ran from one side of the pool to the other and decided he was going to jump in before momma or pops could get to him. Luckily our "NOs" stopped him as he decided to sit down on the side and wait. He almost fell in! For the first time I got super nervous. Wild boy is trying to give his mom a heart attack. 

Fearless he is. He also likes to sit on the edge of the pool with his back facing the pool. When momma counts to three he falls backwards into the pool. I can't believe my almost 19 month old has that much trust in me. Not like I wouldn't catch him but that's pretty darn brave to me.

Not only does he want to jump in when you aren't there to help he wants to go under the water!!! And he doesn't want you to hold him. Now yes every parent does and should think their child is amazing but I seriously don't want to ignore all of this braveness. Maybe he will be the next Gold Medal Olympic swimmer. Or the next regal stuntman. Who knows but I'm completely amazed by the hour.  

So. Think it's time to most definitely get a floatie that he will wear. Wish us luck. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm Heather and I have a quick question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)
