Monday, August 26, 2013

Best Weekend Ever with my Best Friend

Hudson and I had a busy weekend. Whew. Dada went fishing so we went to see Planes on Friday with Cousin Noah, Nanny and Uncle James. This movie (or the first half of it) was cute but due to the slow parts Hudson lost interest. Later we went to the pool. Swam for 10 minutes and got kicked out because some kid pooped in the pool. It was a bummer but good reason. Especially since my angel likes to drink pool water. So we went to HEB to stock up on cinnamon rolls for garage sale shopping. We ate one in the back of the truck together and made a huge sticky mess but that's what wipes are for haha.

Saturday bubba slept in until 7:30 and we waited for Skye to come over to go on a garage sale adventure. The first one we stopped at we bought a little baby rocker seat for baby #2 when the time comes. Paid $10 for it. Not bad. Stopped by a park so bubba could get some energy out. He was tired of being in the car. 

That afternoon we went to a birthday party for my sweet friends daughter's 13th birthday. Alicia. Sweetest most talented 13 year old I've met. Bubba was so curious in this new house. Going all the way to the front and then out the back door. I kid you not. At least 10 times. Whew momma was tired.

After hanging out with maw maw Saturday night we got up Sunday and (here's my favorite part) we went to the Liz Carpenter Fountain. It's no secret I love to run town lake and I can't believe after all these years and all the times I go with Hudson that I've never taken him here. I didn't even know it was there. He had a blast. It was sooooo much fun. Bubba grabbed mine and mawmaw's hand and wanted us to run with him. Then wanted us to show him the turtles. When he got tired I ran 4 miles as he took a nap in the stroller and then headed back to the fountain to play when he woke up. We ran up and down the hill. Watched the turtles. Hudson said the "turtles" went "home" when they would go back in the water. We walked to Sandy's and got an ice cream and fries. Played in the water more and after 5 hours of playing I decided we should probably go home. I could have stayed out there all day with bubba. If it weren't for potential sunburn and also not having a night outfit and milk I probably would have tried. I asked bubba if he was ready to go home and he tells me "no" and what sounded like "I don't want to". 

My son. My best friend. My adventure partner for life or maybe until he's taken by another sweet lady :). This boy of mine is the world to me. How did I ever get this lucky? He wears me out. Keeps me on my toes and has me going to bed each night feeling like someone kicked my butt. But there's nothing in the world better than this. My whole heart is his forever.


  1. SO MUCH FUN! You are such a wonderful mama!

    1. Awe!! Thank you so much Natalie! You are :). I hope you are doing well. October can't get here fast enough :)
