Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter 2013

Happy Easter! This was bubba's 2nd Easter but 1st Egg Hunt. He did great! Momma tried to capture some cute pictures. Looks like he is eating the bunny but he's actually giving it a big kiss. My sweet baby!!

Poor dada had to go to work (YUCK!) but we started off the morning with bubba's basket the Easter Bunny left for him and dada blew bubbles with him. The Easter Bunny knew he didn't need much candy so he left him swimming trunks, two books about farm animals, bubbles, craisins, jelly beans and a cute bunny!

Dada went to work so we headed to mawmaw and pawpaw's house. Karl was able to make it for lunch and the hunt then had to head back (DOUBLE YUCK!).

Bubba hunted like a pro with dada. Dada tried to hold off the other kids to get an unfair advantage but they dominated. With over 60 eggs to get Hudson pulled in a whopping 11 eggs.

Such a beautiful day, burgers, sweet potato fries and a great time with our wonderful family! Running in and out of the house eating all of the candy out of the community Easter Basket (thanks mom and dad!). And of course Brigette brought her beautiful cupcakes :). YUM! Happy Easter!

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