Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Momma Q&A

Found this cute questionnaire online. Felt like sharing a little or a lot....lol.

1. How long have you been a mom?
1 year, 1 month, and 16 days :)

2. How many children call you mommy?
1 - my beautiful son only when he wants something

3. Girl? Boy? Both? How many?
1 - boy

4. Did you know what you were having before you gave birth?
Nope. Well...not exactly. If it wasn't for our sonogram specialist who asked if we wanted to know the sex fairly early on I wouldn't have had a feeling it was a boy :)

5. How old were  you when you became a mom?

6. How long were you in labor?
Not sure what actually qualifies as labor...so...water broke at 9:45 PM on 1/16. Started getting mild contractions at 11:30 or so..started pitocin at that time. Epidural at 7:30 AM on 1/17. Delivered Hudson at 4:44 PM on 1/17. So...if we started with contractions I guess roughly 17 hours? I have no idea....

7. What's your favorite thing about being a mom?
Wow...so many favorites..uh...how my heart feels like it's going to explode for all of the love I have for my son and watching him learn. Those are at the top.

8. What's your least favorite thing?
My poor baby teething or being sick and not really being able to help other than give him tylenol.

9. Do you want more kids?
Eventually I want a sibling for my bubba. He keeps looking in between his legs for one :)

10. Do you plan on having more soon?
Nope, not yet. Need to get our rubber duckies in a row :)

11. Does daddy change diapers?
Yeppers. Why wouldn't he? :)

12. How many times have you been peed on?
I'm afraid to say for the sake of jinxing myself but once.

13. Barfed on?
A lot! Especially when bubba was 4 months and younger. Always wearing polka dot couture..Hudson had his own line lol..

14. Is your child named after anyone?
His first name no but his middle name, Gene, is after his 103 year old wonderful great grandpa Eugene.

15. How did you come up with his name?
I don't know but I pass by a Hudson loop on the way home and I think that's where I got it. Haha.

16. When your child gets in trouble who is the bad guy?
We both are. United we stand :) haha...that's the plan anyway :)

17. And who is the good guy?
Same as above.

18. What is the longest you have been away from your child?
I think maybe 5 hours...can't remember..

19. Bedtime Routine?
Yeppers, Bath...Book...Lights Out.

20. Are your toes painted?

21. Last movie you saw in the theater.
Dada and I went on a date a couple of weeks ago. Saw Identity Thief. Super cute!

22. Last time you had a date.
A couple of weeks ago.

23. One thing you will not give up just because you are a mom?
Well...I would say working out / running. I love to do it and my little man can come with me :)

24. One thing you did give up now that you're a mom.
Sleep...lol..haven't really given up much...just try to share things with my bubba. He is my sidekick. Plus one of my main goals in life is to NEVER make my children feel like they are an inconvenience to the life I once had. Sorry...little bit of a rant but Hudson is an amazing addition to this journey called life. He enhances all of the joys in life. I hope he knows that for the rest of my life.

25. Best mom perk?
Being with my little love of my life. A quote I once saw that I can say seems so true goes something like, "Your children are like your heart walking along the side of you."

26. Snack you sneak bits from your child?
Pretty much anything he won't finish. Don't want to see it go to waste.

27. When the kid is napping, you are?
Working, cleaning, washing clothes, etc...I should learn to sit still but I can't.

28. Where is your child now?
Running around in the living room right in front of me :)

29. Favorite place to buy maternity clothes?
Old Navy and Motherhood Maternity

30. If I could do it over, I'd do this differently:
Nothing...first time mom...learning everything for the first time..to be expected :). Now, next baby things will be a tiny bit different but I feel like I've done the best I know how :)

31. What is the craziest thing you have said/done/taught since becoming a mom?
Really applying what my mawmaw always used to say, "Patience is a virtue." If there's anything you learn it's that you can't rush the world and you shouldn't want to. There are pains, craziness, and sometimes you feel like you are going to lose your mind but then that song comes to mind..Won't be like this for long. As crazy as it can get I'm holding on to every moment...don't want to take any of it for granted.

Baby picture at the bottom left is me and my sissy. I see the resemblance between me and my bubba a lot there :)

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