Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What works for us at 14 months: Pop Pop Pop

This book is so much fun! Definitely want bubba to know about this when he grows up because it's so darn cute! I almost forgot these new words this month. This book called "Bubbles Bubbles" is one of Hudson's favorites. He tries so hard to say bubbles. He runs and gets the book and makes a sound that sounds like he's saying "bubbles bubbles bubbles." It almost sounds like he's whispering it. So cute!

He also says "pop pop pop" for 2 reasons. 1. Pops is his grandpa Stan's name. And 2. He repeats it after we read it to him in this bubbles book.

If you have been working with your little one on body parts and waiving hi and bye this book can be interactive. As we read the book we pause at the end of each body part and bubba touches his nose, toes, and hair. Then he waives after we read that the bubbles go by.

I didn't realize that's what he was doing a month ago. Once I realized I started slowing down so he could show me. Even though some baby books might seem silly. They are teaching our little ones more than we know :)!

It still amazes me that this firecracker looooooves to read! We love you sweet bubba! You never seize to amaze us!

Reading his book with dada and aunt Ashley.

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