Saturday, March 2, 2013

Birthday Weekend 2/23-2/24

Let's just say that I didn't touch myfitnesspal app last weekend at all. Uncle Chris and Aunt Shelly's birthday's are close and so we had a weekend full of festivities.

Started off the weekend on "the land" with my family. Had a ton of fun hanging out with paw paw and riding bikes in aunt Ashley and uncle Thomas' house. Bubba is going to grow up having so much fun with them. He's wild, they are crazy...perfect match :). Momma made gumbo for uncle Chris' 30th birthday. Absolutely delicious.  Brigette made an amazing chocolate cake. Like I said..calories were not counted!

Bubba loved the cake too. Love chocolate all over  my bubba's face. He loved it more than the cake on his birthday. Sweet sweet boy!

Sunday was followed with yummy french toast and jumping on the trampoline at nana & pops' house for aunt Shelly's birthday. I absolutely loved watching him on the trampoline. Best part of the day! He had good balance and loved to be chased. Man..he's so much fun! Then off to Gruene for some yummy food and beautiful afternoon. Like anyone who tries it, Hudson LOVED the artichoke spinach dip at the Gristmill. I couldn't get it in his mouth fast enough. Afterwards aunt Shelly showed Hudson how to throw rocks in the river. Cute as can be!

All in all it was a great weekend spent with our wonderful family!

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