Monday, March 18, 2013

14 Month Old Stuntman

Hudson is 14 months and I know a lot will change before he is a grown adult but there's a list of things we think he might be when he grows up:

Firstly and top of the list he's going to be the next Justin Timberlake with his mad dancing moves. Turn on today's hit music and he just starts swinging those arms and moving those feet. He has a move we call "The Hudson." He has some really good moves too. This boy has rythm.

Secondly a dentist. It must be a comfort thing but boy he loves to put his hands on your teeth and pull. He does it throughout the day and mainly when he's going to sleep.

A cook! Or someone who cleans kitchens because he loooooves to pull every pot, pan, mixing bowl you name it out of the kitchen cabinets. This is the only place he does this. Luckily now I can tell him to "put it back" and "close the door" and he does it! Before he would roar at me until I took it from him. He's not a dog but its amazing that he follows my command. How does he even know what "put it back" means?!? So awesome.

Then there's a stuntman. Climbing and jumping on everything!! Fearless nose dives scare me sometimes but it's a learning experience. We don't let him hurt himself but pretty much let him almost try everything at least once.

This month is full of funny noises. Screaming (in good and bad ways) and growling. He almost sounds like a lion. It's hilarious. Bubba has definitely been testing boundaries but also understands them more which makes it a tiny bit easier to keep up.

Bubba hasn't really been shy but has been selective on who he wants holding him. Not so much this month. Kissing our friends and family that he once wouldn't get close to. One thing I can tell you for sure. This boy is a lover.

He's trying sooo hard to say Noah. He absolutely loves his cousin Noah and smiles when I say it. He definitely knows who his cousin is. Also, we watch Tangled....a lot haha. Bubba learned to say (or at least sound like he's saying) "EVER!" When the old lady yells it at Rapunzel. He knows when it's coming. He anticipates it. Then right after she yells it he starts walking around screaming "EVER EVER EVER." I think that's about it for new words. He is meowing like a cat too cute. Sweetest baby voice "EVER."

A few firsts:
Swimming/standing/splashing in his baby pool nana and pops got him for his bday. The weather has been amazing!

Riding bikes with momma. An extra 25 lbs and riding funny because there's a baby seat between my legs ought to be great training for the triathlon. LOL!

Jumping on the trampoline. Jumping period is something amazing to see him learn. At first I'd try to get him to copy me and he would lift one leg then look at the other like he was wondering how to get it off the ground too. Now that he's been on a trampoline he bounces both legs together. It's so cute.

How he measures up:
Bubba is almost half my height! At 32" this boy is sooooo long to me. It just seems crazy. Having said that...he's not even close to half my weight lol. I won't tell you how he compares to me but he's roughly 25 lbs. We just switched to size 4 diapers due to some plumbers crack and a few blowouts. He's still such a good eater...always trying new things.

Needless to say...there's no slowing this boy down and I definitely don't want to. Too much fun. We love you sweet bubba!! Happy 14 months!

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