Saturday, February 23, 2013

What Works for Us at 13 Months

I posted a picture of a sippy cup I love on Facebook one day and my friend Kelsey said I should blog about it so...if you are anything like me you are sometimes surfing the internet for some helpful information on what works for other people. I don't like to read books because my lovely baby is not a text book but I love to read what other people are currently going through so I can relate and maybe try what they've tried.

Every month I will try to contribute a few things (I'll try to keep it short) on what works for us so maybe if you find yourself in a predicament you can try these out. I'll also quickly add that while these things work for us they won't work for everyone. Every baby and family is different so good luck! Also, if you want to share what works for you I would love to know!

1. We have carpet upstairs in our den where we spend most of our time and while there's plenty of baby vomit that's lurking deep down waiting to be deep cleaned I was quickly on the lookout for a sippy cup that seriously doesn't leak. Baby vomit stinks but old milk is worse! These Playtex sippy cups are great as long as you put them together correctly. You can make one minor mistake in putting it together and it will leak. Mastering the correct depth of the straw into the mouthpiece is something you will need to learn in order for it to work right. Once you get that figured can practice your Dairy Queen cone rotation and milk should not come out!

2. Made the mistake of letting my sweet bubba eat mandarin oranges...a lot of them...and viola he had diaper rash (haven't had mandarin oranges again since then). Needless to say just diaper cream didn't do the trick as fast as I would have liked. So I used this equate healing ointment at night and baby had a new hiney in the am. After bath before bedtime I put the healing ointment on his tush and then diaper rash cream on top and it worked! Overnight my sweet bubba was pain free.

3. Lastly for this month. We have rocked my bubba to sleep because I'm not a fan of the cry it out method only get this chance once. I'm pretty sure my 16 year old will not let me rock him to sleep. However, he's getting so long and can't get comfortable so he squirms and is uncomfortable which keeps him up. So, what we started doing that works for me (not so much my husband) is lay on the floor with this turtle starlight and sing twinkle twinkle little star for awhile. He's comfortable. He rubs his eyes and gets sleepy. Best way in my opinion to wind him down. Just recently tried reading to him and sure enough he got sleepy. He turned to me and was like, put the book down woman. I'm tired.

Wow..this was supposed to be short..haha. Well good luck mommas and dadas.

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