Sunday, February 17, 2013

13 Month Old Head Banger

So...I got sad for a brief moment about my baby turning 1 and...that's all that Hudson allowed. He said no time for that momma. Things are about to get crazy.

Well, my baby journal went through 1-12 months and now it only has years so I'll start adding it on here or get a new journal haha. We'll see :)

Ever since we stopped the bottle bubba has been sleeping like a champ! It's totally amazing. Here I thought the bottle before bed was helping and now he's slept so amazing...worried about writing that because I don't want to jinx myself but man I sure got lucky!

Bubba is pretty much not a picky eater this month. Took a day to get into milk versus formula. Tries everything at least once and of course has his favorites to eat. He still loves PB&J but we tried a new things that I'm super happy about. Cucumbers (in ranch of course), baked sweet potato fries, fresh green beans, pears. Bubba loves pears. We give him a whole one now and it's the most fun thing to watch him eat. It's messy but he's soooo cute! Also, Natalie asked me if we used utensils and I thought...I wouldn't dare give this boy a spoon and a bowl unless I had a water hose on standby but I gave him a spoon just yesterday and he ate mac-n-cheese with it. I was amazed. Babies...they know a lot more than we think!

New word? Nana is banana. He says it when he sees them in the grocery store and every time we go to feed him one (he's part monkey I think). I'm thinking he's days away from saying so much. He knows what ball is, dog, his belly, his nose, his foot, to hug "squeeze", kiss, potty, change diaper, stars, night night and so much more. He'll bring most of those things to us too. I'm sure Karl will have him trained to get a cold drink from the fridge soon. JK!

A new tooth came in last week at the bottom front to match the top 4. I think he's got another one coming too. Poor bubba. Seems like the older they get the more aware they are that it hurts. Can we just get all molars at one time? Might be a nightmare but would be so nice to get it over with. JK!

Bubba is definitely a jokester. Laughing all the time especially when he bangs his head! I think we're going to need to get a helmet. We also can't keep from buying those super huge bounce balls from Wal Mart when we go by them. He points and gets all excited. How can momma say no to that? We're starting a collection. He lays on top of the larger ball and rolls with it. Kind of scary sometimes because he rolls over the top...ayayayaya...scares me about his neck. Will have to teach him to be careful.

Bubba is sooooooooo long. Haven't measure him yet but he was 31" at the drs office at his 12 month appointment and just the other day I put him up against the wall and he'd already gained an inch. He stretches from my shoulder to my knee! My baby that I could once hold in one arm is getting sooo long.

My favorite thing to do with bubba is hold him as he goes down for a nap. We literally have a heart to heart. No words needed. As our hearts connect he recharges my soul. Happy 13 months sweet angel baby!

See those hands flapping? He's like a humming bird! Fast!!!

A few from our family photos :)


  1. great family pic! i love your earrings!

    1. Thanks Gina!!! Katrina made them :). Katrina Martin :). She makes amazing earrings :).

  2. Great pictures of such a sweet family!
