Whew boy this has been a speedy month for talking. I swear bubba says something new every day. It's been so much fun. I'll write a whole new post on all the sweet things my bubba is saying but it's been absolutely wonderful. He tells me "Santa eat cookie" and "I want to eat Jello." And so many more things (will tell you more soon).
Speaking of J-E-L-L-O my son has a sweet tooth. Just like his mommy. Boy you can't even mention candy in front of this boy without setting him off. He knows where the candy is, what it is and that he wants it. He wants to eat candy over food (darn you Halloween...guess I should have expected that haha). A picky eater this month too. What happened to my adventurous eater? He's gone...temporarily hopefully. One thing for sure is bubba loves flavor. Test of a good cook maybe? If Hudson eats it you got the flavor thing down. He eats my food maybe half the time...good thing that's not my line of work or the main one anyway lol.

Mr. Indpendent. He tells me "I do it" on everything he can do himself. It amazes me how much he tries to do himself. Back to that sweet tooth thing. He can now open our freezer (it's a bottom drawer type refrigerator / freezer) deal. He pulls out the ice cream and puts it on the counter. Good thing we have a deep freezer in the garage. I have to hide the ice cream LOL! For the most part he still has a good diet. I can always get him to eat good the first half of the day. Turkey sausage, grapes, bananas, oranges, string cheese, etc. After nap...all bets are off.
We've been reading books on Christmas and Santa. Bubba now thinks "Santa eats cookies" because he does in The Night Before Christmas. He has "deer" and there's a "snowman" and "penguin." This is sooooooo much fun. I'm not sure he'll get the full story of Christmas this year but I think we'll have it down next year.
That picture on the top right makes me laugh. The only one I got of us on the Zilker Train and he's making a funny face lol. Handsome goofy boy. Bubba and I put up our Christmas tree 2 weeks ago. LOL! Do you think we're ready?
Man...I just continue to not believe how smart my son is to me. He's telling me all of these things. He's doing so much. I tell him to wait for mommy by the car in a parking lot and he says "wait" and "cars hit you." It would take me forever to list them all but every month Hudson seriously blows me away. Can't believe he listens and understands so much. I'm going to say it again...AMAZING.
Funniest thing about Hudson right now is he HATES for you to take his shoes off. He is so particular about keeping his shoes on and will tell you "I want shoe on" in his munchkin voice. So funny. Not sure where he got that from but you better not touch those toes if you want a peaceful moment.
One of my favorite things this month. Bubba doesn't understand the word mad yet even though he is really good at acting the part. So, I've taught him "mommy sad" and "mommy happy" when he does something that's not nice or nice. It's working right now and that's awesome. He understands the feelings. Amazing to me! He's such a lover too. My snuggle bunny drinks his morning milk in my lap snuggling me. Always gives me a kiss when I ask for one. Wants a kiss for his booboos. Says "mommy" a billion times as I put him to sleep in the sweetest angel voice ever. I'm the luckiest mommy in the world to hear that word so softly and sweetly. Oh yeah, how can I forget? Bubba says "I love you"!! My angel baby has the biggest heart ever!
Mommy has been working really hard lately so the best day of the week is Friday for us. I take most of the day off from work and always plan a date away from the house. That is my favorite time of the week. Time to just play. No worries. Doing exactly what Hudson wants to do. It's me and my best friend against the world. No place I'd rather be!
Highlight of the month. Hapa came out and Hudson got to play a little ball with him. The joke was we weren't sure who was going to sleep better..Hudson or Hapa but they had a ball (pun intended hehe) and of course bubba had to give his goodbye kisses. Sweet pea!
Also got a hair cut this weekend (on his 22 months) and he looks so handsome. So grown too. My sweet baby boy. My beautiful son who fills my heart with more joy than I could ever imagine. Love you my sweet boy forever. Happy 22 months. I can't believe in two months you will be 2! WOW!!!