Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

What's one word to sum up my Thanksgiving? Home. This Thanksgiving made my house feel even more like a home. It all started Wednesday when my aunt KK came into town with my cousin Marky and his girlfriend Brooke. Hudson took off with his dada for the night to be with nana, pops and hapa.  In the mean time we (me and KK) prepared our dishes. As I was cutting up onions in my kitchen my cousins Marky and Cameron (brothers) were sitting in the living room with their girlfriends (Brooke and Jasmine) and Jasmine's little brother. Telling stories with my aunt KK as she prepared her dish. Laughing. Telling those "remember when" stories and kid you not. The emotional goof I am it made me feel so warm in my heart to hear such fun stories from my cousins in MY HOME. It also made me think that when I give Hudson a sibling he'll be doing the same thing 18...23 years down the road. Just awesome. See anything funny about the top left pic below? My cousins being funny :). Not sure how long they were there while we were downstairs talking. Goof balls.

Made our first turkey this year and I'll have to say I was impressed :). Hudson help me brine the turkey on Tuesday, Karl buttered the turkey and I stuffed and seasoned. It was delicious. Karl made yummy bacon wrapped asparagus and of course I made the squash casserole that is a Thanksgiving must (my mom demands that I make it haha). I slept with Hudson in his big bed and we woke up to smelling burning grease in our oven (the turkey was safe). KK woke up with us. We drank coffee and watched the Macy's Day Parade. A tradition we always did with my mawmaw.

Lunch was at 1. Everyone showed up with their yummy food and of course we had entirely way too much food but thank goodness for leftovers. No cooking for a few days haha. Bubba ate a little here and there. For the first time since he was an infant he fell asleep in my arms on the couch as all the cousins were upstairs watching Toy Story 3. Bubba was so tired but didn't want to go down for a nap. He wanted to be with his cousins watching the movie. Sure enough momma's snuggle sent him over into dreamland. In the mean time, everyone sat around talking. Just the way we do it at my mom's house. Perfect.

Funniest thing? The cousins (Marky, Riley, Cameron, Jessica, Vincent and Hudson) found marshmallows and started throwing them in each other's mouths from downstairs to upstairs. The funny thing was we broke out the extra large s'more ones and Marky almost took Riley out with one. Hit him smack on the forehead. Sorry looked hilarious. 

With a late nap time Hudson slept until 5. Dada was working the UT game and Marky wanted to do the Black Friday shopping thing. I knew I had to do something with Hudson since he had a late nap. What was I going to do to wear him out? Go shopping of course. We do that a lot. We look...we don't always buy haha. First we went to Wal Mart (mad house) and quickly realized we needed to get out of there. Headed to Target which was way more organized and a lot less scary. Bubba at Pizza at 8:30 at night for dinner at Target on Thanksgiving. He is most definitely his father's son. 

All in all it was a wonderful Thanksgiving. Sad dada had to leave to work the UT game but thankful for all of our wonderful family members who did and always continue to make my house feel more and more like a home. Thanksgiving has been officially handed down to me as "my holiday" and I couldn't be happier!

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