Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

Oh man, this was so much fun. Let me start off by saying for the last month Hudson and I or Hudson and someone go on a walk around our neighborhood every day. We've noticed houses being decorated for Halloween. We decorated ours a little but let me tell you there were a handful of awesome ones. The first one is half a mile away from our house and this family did an outstanding job. Bubba learned to say "bat" from their house. We couldn't wait to stop by on Halloween.

Another one of our favorites to stop by every night was the house in the next neighborhood (it's not that far of a walk). Every night they turned on their blow up front yard scene. There were witches brewing a pot of potion, a cat who's head would turn side to side, ghosts driving a boogie car, a zombie that shakes. Hudson would imitate the zombie. We finally met the family last night and told them that we go to see their house every night. They were such a sweet family.

Leading up to the day, considering how my birthday party turned out with the costume, I knew I had to alter Hudson's costume. Why did I think he would wear his headpiece in the first place? I have no idea...must have been in fantasy land. So, I pinned his headpiece to his apron, added the evil minion goofy teeth to the apron and moved down his el macho badge. Sure enough, he cried when we dressed him BUT! It took the site of the very first trick or treater to dry the tears and get this boy into the mood. Bubba looked at the trick or treaters and was studying them. As we walked to the first house to get candy we told bubba to say, "thank you" and he did. Every single time we walked up to a house bubba said thank you after he got his candy. He then turned around and said either "I got candy" and "more candy." He was so excited to go to each house and see the other kids dressed up. Everyone got their turn to bring bubba to a house. There was even a couple with a Macaw who was letting little ones take pictures with. How awesome is that?!!?!

After our trick or treating we raced back to the house to hand out candy. My mom started it off for us and she handed out the candy to the little ones. Hudson helped her of course. My mom was precious. She's never handed out candy before because we've always lived in the middle of nowhere (not really but you don't get trick or treaters). She was so adorable. So fun.

Funniest thing all night to me, the grandparents (all of them except pops I think) were eating the candy straight out of bubba's bucket while he was trick or treating! LOL! Hudson even got a piece himself. I'm so thankful for where we live. For the people in Hudson's life who make him happy. My child's happiness is the best thing anyone could ask for. Thank you to everyone who makes my bubba happy.

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