Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Weekend To Remember 6/21

Dada went fishing with pawpaw this past weekend and since my bubba is well aware that his dada is gone it's up to me to find something to fun to do. Well, I just want to keep my bubba entertained and make him happy :)

So...what did we do? Thursday right after dada left we got into the car and drove to Circle C. A lady I met in our neighborhood said that she would take her little one to the Circle C park. I didn't ask much about it because I assumed it was by the pool. Luckily my sweet friend Leslie told me about the Circle C Ranch Metropolitan Park. That park is probably one of my favorites due to all of the nice shade. Hudson doesn't ever want to be inside. So shade is going to be our best friend right now. It's HOT.

Friday we went to Zilker Park. I hadn't been in a long time and didn't know they had these huge xylophones. Hudson ran around and played. Two ladies sitting close by said they loved watching him. They pointed out how Hudson doesn't want my help with anything but wants to make sure I'm watching. I'm a proud momma for sure. He's forever amazing in my eyes.

Saturday morning we woke up and headed to the Park in Buda for Caleb's 1st birthday. Caleb is my high school buddy's, Miranda's, baby boy. Then during Hudson's nap time we drove down to Landa park in New Braunfels to meet nanny, Noah, Marky, Riley, KK and Brigette. That park is so much fun! My aunt's called it "Baby Schlitterbahn." Probably my favorite spot all weekend. Fun in the water. We let Hudson ride down a slide by himself and his life jacket turned him upside down. He cried when he got to the bottom  but then literally took my hand to pull me back to the slide at least 5 more times. To ride down with him of course. Always game for a thrill. Afterwards we rode the little train and Hudson attacked Noah with kisses. It was hilarious to see Noah's face. He was pretty over all the loving. So funny. The boys grabbed each other's hands and played together. They are really great little cousins :).

Sunday was definitely a chill day. Dada and I took bubba back to our new favorite park in the shade. So what kind of weekend did we have? An adventurous one of course :). Love my outdoor adventurous boy. Bubba, you are momma's best friend!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

World Wonder

There are towers, waterfalls, and pyramids but he will always be the most beautiful site I've ever seen. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Never Underestimate a 17 month old

A little late on this post (need. more. time.). Think you can pull a quick one on Hudson? Think again. He's one step ahead of you. He watches you do something one time and he won't forget it. Hudson is a force to be reckoned with.

Our outdoor boy this month for sure. Going out every evening to play ball...and I mean every evening. After changing clothes multiple times I have decided that it makes a lot more sense for me to wear my running clothes while doing what Hudson wants to do. I need moisture wicking everything due to how much a I sweat chasing this boy around. He's so active. Well I've been around "active" babies. He's active on steroids.

This month and every month I'm 100% amazed but what my son can do. People will say things like, "He can't do that yet" or "He doesn't know what that means" and I totally beg to differ. I think people often underestimate the brain power of a baby or child. They know way more than some give them credit for. Hudson knows way more than I could have imagined and we're not holding him back. We are along for the ride.

Hudson is a sharer and a lover. He gets sweeter and sweeter every month. Grabbing the hands of his new little friends and wanting them to play with him. We made a friend from down the street who is visiting from Germany. His name is KaiNoah. Hudson grabs his hand and pulls him to the top of the road to race down or shows him how to crawl in his little tent house. We're not ready yet but I know Hudson is going to be a great big brother. So sweet and helpful. Makes me so very excited for a future sibling. Bubba has also been so sweet to momma and dada. Snuggling in the morning with us. Kissing and patting us as he hugs. Makes my heart feel like it's going to explode.

Something that's not new but continues to amaze me, like everything else, Hudson is so brave! Not shy (unless he's flirting with you). So ready to climb, jump, swim, run, just about anything. We finally got him a life jacket for the pool because there have been several times he wanted to run and jump in the pool without assistance. And he will not wear the baby floaty. jacket it was...must be ready for fishing on a boat or something (hehe).

New words? To name a few...Out, Moon, Water, Milk, Money (pawpaw taught him how to put pawpaw's money in his piggy bank), Bath, Ashley (Ashy), MawMaw, Bike, uh oh, and dada taught him how to say I love you. Which only we can understand but he says it to dada (ANGEL!). 

Eating this month = so frustrating. With more and more molars coming in Hudson is soooo picky and will not eat as much as he used to. He's not starving which is what I have to continue to remember but he is being a lot more selective. Hudson has his 4 front top and 4 front bottom teeth. Two molars on the right (1 up top and 1 on the bottom). 1 molar on the top left and a new coming to match on the bottom right.

Bubba you are growing so fast, learning so much and amazing us by the second. We are so lucky to have our little family. We love you so much bubba. Happy 17 months.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Dada's Day

Dada is Hudson's number one man. Not saying that he hasn't always been but Hudson had been pretty even with his love sharing up until about a month ago. Hudson has been inseparable from his dada. Even wants him more than momma! Which I love. Every time I put Hudson down for a nap or for bed he always smiles at me (I'm serious...not making that up) and he looks at me and sometimes says "dada." When Hudson wakes up, the first word he usually says is "dada." When dada isn't at home Hudson walks around and screams for him (that part makes me feel like someone is ripping my heart out). There's no doubt about the love Hudson has for dada.

We had a great Father's Day for sure :). The night before we had fresh snapper that Pops caught. Pawpaw spent the night since mawmaw was out of town and our little man slept like a rock. He was worn out for sure. I got up and raced to Shipley's to get dada and pawpaw donuts for breakfast because my dad would mention Shipley's every time we passed by a donut joint. I thought for sure we would need to try this place for breakfast. We also had dada's favorite:  bacon. Wouldn't be a dada's kind of day without bacon!

Family came over for BBQ and we had a great day. I just have to husband is a pretty awesome dada. The fact that he makes my bubba nuts for him makes me the happiest momma in the world. I'm so very lucky to have such a wonderful family.

Friday, June 14, 2013

CapTex from the Professionals

Got these pics for free :). I love them and I LOVE AUSTIN!!! Always feel lucky to live here.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend with the Lancasters

This weekend dada went fishing with pawpaw so we had the Lancasters over for a slumber party. We partied hard and the boys slept sooo good!

Friday we went to the pool twice! As soon as nanny and Noah showed up the boys were running around together non-stop. Noah is such a good protective big cousin to Hudson and Hudson tries to keep up. It's so awesome to see them play together, share things and be sweet to each other. Definitely makes you see how they would be with a sibling. 

Friday we went to the pool and then shopping so we could cook up some yummy fajitas. Then mawmaw came over and it was back to the pool. Both boys were worn out (so was I haha). They slept so good :). Brace yourself....I stayed up talking to nanny until 1:30! I can't remember the last time I stayed up that late on my own accord. Haha. Totally nerdy? Yes. Do you expect anything else from me? Haha.

Saturday morning we hung out. I made eggless French toast for the boys and it was surprisingly really yummy. I was glad it was definitely a hit with Noah :). 

We planned a trip to the snake farm and it was so awesome. We packed all in one car (so cute) and drove down to New Branfels so the boys could see snakes AND meet Blue from Rio. Bubba was stunned. So awesome to see his face see the big blue macaws for the first time. A real live one. They were beautiful! And really large too. It surprised me ;). 

We headed back home for some pizza and more pool time. Bubba had another great night of sleep. We definitely were all worn out. Loved having them over so much. It was like a mini vacation in our own home. Can't wait to do it again :). Love you nanny and Noah!! :)

Friday, June 7, 2013

My Sister the Fiance

April 28th was a cool day...the wind was blowing...just kidding I wasn't there but my sissy and Thomas were driving back from Florida after picking up a car and Thomas secretly planned a stop in Pensacola, FL at a cute gazebo and asked my sissy to marry him! Ashley said it was just the two of them are for each other. I've always told my sister that her and Thomas have a relationship that our whole family loves and adores. Especially me. I joke with Thomas and tell him he's the male version of me but he's actually so much more. They both are. My sister and I are soul doubt about that but they are too and it's just on such a different level.

I've never been more proud of two people who consistently try to make each other happy; who have the same dreams and go for them. Two people who are both daring and jump into adventure hand in hand without any reservations..livng every day to it's fullest. Two people who know what they want...what each other wants and strive every day to make it happen. And also make it look effortless! And also two people who say...this is who I am...that is who you let's rock on! HAHA.

I love them both. I'm so very excited for my sissy and Thomas. They both deserve each other and a lifetime of happiness and adventure that they will go on.

We had an engagement party Saturday 5/29. For once I was able to decorate a party for my sister without her help and I must was cute! :) I had a blast and there was so much love just pouring out of it. That's why it was easy :).

We started the night off with dinner at Zorba Greek Diner (an Ashley & Thomas favorite), then went back to their house and had their favorite ice cream, chips, drinks and fun! All of our family was there and Thomas' mom, dad, sissy and aunt came. It was so much fun! I can't even image how fun the rest of the wedding celebrations are going to be. It's going to be a party that will mark the rest of an amazing life together. I can't believe how lucky I am to be a part of such a fun amazing union. Cheers to my two best friends. I love y'all!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

CapTex Momma in 2013

There's just something about training for something and completing it that is so much more special now that I'm a mom. It's probably because I have to work that much harder to find time to train and also train with my sweet baby. Hudson went on a few bike rides with me and definitely did some running with me as I trained for CapTex 2013. I'm so very glad I signed up. I wasn't able to get away much to do the swim portion but definitely didn't disappoint myself. In times when it would get hard to train I'd say to myself that I was doing it for Hudson. I was definitely doing it for myself but I hope one day to be an inspiration to my bubba and hope that one day we can do races together. I definitely can't wait for that. I'm already scoping out bikes for him to ride next to me as I run. That's gonna be us for sure :)

^not the most flattering pics but here are pics from each year. Same swimsuit! LOL! I love my swimsuit. Trying to find another one like it :)

How did training work? I trained when my dad would come to play with Hudson and also a few hours on the weekend thanks to my wonderful husband. Wouldn't have been able to do it without their help.

My favorite part? The BIKE! My awesome sissy-in-law let me borrow her Cannondale Synapse. Ummm...let me just tell you...I'm sold. I want a bike like that so bad and would highly consider saving my money to buy one if I planned on doing more. I've never (in my 3 races lol) pulled past anyone on a bike...this time..I did and it felt awesome! I won't be buying one soon cause we do plan on having another baby eventually and while this Triathlon was fun I'm going to stick to races I know my bubba can be with me while I train.

My next adventure? Signed up for the Austin Marathon for Feb 2014. Crazy but can't wait to start training. I found a great training program for moms because I was NOT going to sign up unless I saw that it was doable. Hudson can do most of my runs during the week with me and when we get close to the race (14 weeks out) I will have to run on the weekends without him but I definitely think it's doable.  I'm committed so I will make it work :). Even if I have to run at 4 AM. That's the plan anyway haha. I dreamed of doing one before I was 30 and I will meet that goal with my sister. I can't wait!

I didn't think anyone would come to watch just because it's not my first one but I had some amazing support! My sister and her fiance (hehe) Thomas and Shelly (and peanut hehe) were there in the morning with me. Helping me with my nerves. Fred & Lisa (my boss) showed up to wish me well. I was pleasantly surprised and felt so lucky. My beautiful husband, bubba, father-in-law and Patrick showed up while I started the bike portion. All around I felt very lucky to have them there to cheer me on. They most definitely helped! I also was cheered on by Kris (Shelly's Ironman buddy) and her yelling gave me the push I needed to finish. We got bubba some ice cream after the race and he was pooped! He fell asleep and slept for 3 hours! Karl slept for 2 was fun. A lot of work. And so totally worth it. did I compare? Not too bad for a mom! HAHA:

See how I posted a pic of that bike? I'm in love :) haha. AMAZING!