Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter 2013

Happy Easter! This was bubba's 2nd Easter but 1st Egg Hunt. He did great! Momma tried to capture some cute pictures. Looks like he is eating the bunny but he's actually giving it a big kiss. My sweet baby!!

Poor dada had to go to work (YUCK!) but we started off the morning with bubba's basket the Easter Bunny left for him and dada blew bubbles with him. The Easter Bunny knew he didn't need much candy so he left him swimming trunks, two books about farm animals, bubbles, craisins, jelly beans and a cute bunny!

Dada went to work so we headed to mawmaw and pawpaw's house. Karl was able to make it for lunch and the hunt then had to head back (DOUBLE YUCK!).

Bubba hunted like a pro with dada. Dada tried to hold off the other kids to get an unfair advantage but they dominated. With over 60 eggs to get Hudson pulled in a whopping 11 eggs.

Such a beautiful day, burgers, sweet potato fries and a great time with our wonderful family! Running in and out of the house eating all of the candy out of the community Easter Basket (thanks mom and dad!). And of course Brigette brought her beautiful cupcakes :). YUM! Happy Easter!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Dada First

I believe it was 7-8 months ago when bubba said his first word "dada." Bubba has accumulated a pretty good vocabulary for what momma can tell but the word he says the most is dada. It's the first word he says every morning and the last as he goes to bed. Dada is the best! We miss and love you dada. 4/15 can't get here fast enough.

Happy Friday Everyone!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Austin Rodeo 2013

We decided months ago that we were determined to take our bubba to pet the animals at the Austin Rodeo when it came into town and so we did! It was so much fun seeing his face!

Mawmaw and I got there with bubba before dada did and so we decided to ride Hudson's first baby canival ride. Luckily he's 32". There were only 2-3 rides he could ride and only one of those was open. The rest were 36" and up..except for the super cool teenage ones haha. He was a little freaked out while on it but he survived. No tears shed just a little uneasiness. Then dada showed up while we were on the ride and that made bubba's day!

After the ride we made our way over to Kiddy Town to show bubba the animals and pet them. Bubba was a little skittish at first but we helped him pet the cow and show him that we weren't scared. Then it was on. He wanted to keep touching the cow and all of the goats. They would gather around him and he would kind of uncomfortable but then wanted to keep feeding them. I love how much bubba loves animals.

Then of course we had to eat food that was bad for us. Burgers, fries, turkey legs, ice cream and cotton candy. They had red velvet funnel cakes!!! We didn't try one but man it sure looked good. We didn't want to leave until it was bubba's bed time so we walked around the fair grounds. There was this little jumpy castle thing for little ones with a ton of used toys in front. We played in there until Hudson was exhausted and headed home.

I absolutely loved how much bubba loved the animals. He was so proud to feed them and pet them. We had to say "soft" a lot and he was. Just to show me how much he liked it, we have this book at home with lots of first words in it and bubba usually loves to read the whole book several times. Today, he only wanted to go to the page with the cow on it! Looks like we need to get my bubba a farm. :)


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What works for us at 14 months: Pop Pop Pop

This book is so much fun! Definitely want bubba to know about this when he grows up because it's so darn cute! I almost forgot these new words this month. This book called "Bubbles Bubbles" is one of Hudson's favorites. He tries so hard to say bubbles. He runs and gets the book and makes a sound that sounds like he's saying "bubbles bubbles bubbles." It almost sounds like he's whispering it. So cute!

He also says "pop pop pop" for 2 reasons. 1. Pops is his grandpa Stan's name. And 2. He repeats it after we read it to him in this bubbles book.

If you have been working with your little one on body parts and waiving hi and bye this book can be interactive. As we read the book we pause at the end of each body part and bubba touches his nose, toes, and hair. Then he waives after we read that the bubbles go by.

I didn't realize that's what he was doing a month ago. Once I realized I started slowing down so he could show me. Even though some baby books might seem silly. They are teaching our little ones more than we know :)!

It still amazes me that this firecracker looooooves to read! We love you sweet bubba! You never seize to amaze us!

Reading his book with dada and aunt Ashley.

Monday, March 18, 2013

14 Month Old Stuntman

Hudson is 14 months and I know a lot will change before he is a grown adult but there's a list of things we think he might be when he grows up:

Firstly and top of the list he's going to be the next Justin Timberlake with his mad dancing moves. Turn on today's hit music and he just starts swinging those arms and moving those feet. He has a move we call "The Hudson." He has some really good moves too. This boy has rythm.

Secondly a dentist. It must be a comfort thing but boy he loves to put his hands on your teeth and pull. He does it throughout the day and mainly when he's going to sleep.

A cook! Or someone who cleans kitchens because he loooooves to pull every pot, pan, mixing bowl you name it out of the kitchen cabinets. This is the only place he does this. Luckily now I can tell him to "put it back" and "close the door" and he does it! Before he would roar at me until I took it from him. He's not a dog but its amazing that he follows my command. How does he even know what "put it back" means?!? So awesome.

Then there's a stuntman. Climbing and jumping on everything!! Fearless nose dives scare me sometimes but it's a learning experience. We don't let him hurt himself but pretty much let him almost try everything at least once.

This month is full of funny noises. Screaming (in good and bad ways) and growling. He almost sounds like a lion. It's hilarious. Bubba has definitely been testing boundaries but also understands them more which makes it a tiny bit easier to keep up.

Bubba hasn't really been shy but has been selective on who he wants holding him. Not so much this month. Kissing our friends and family that he once wouldn't get close to. One thing I can tell you for sure. This boy is a lover.

He's trying sooo hard to say Noah. He absolutely loves his cousin Noah and smiles when I say it. He definitely knows who his cousin is. Also, we watch Tangled....a lot haha. Bubba learned to say (or at least sound like he's saying) "EVER!" When the old lady yells it at Rapunzel. He knows when it's coming. He anticipates it. Then right after she yells it he starts walking around screaming "EVER EVER EVER." I think that's about it for new words. He is meowing like a cat too cute. Sweetest baby voice "EVER."

A few firsts:
Swimming/standing/splashing in his baby pool nana and pops got him for his bday. The weather has been amazing!

Riding bikes with momma. An extra 25 lbs and riding funny because there's a baby seat between my legs ought to be great training for the triathlon. LOL!

Jumping on the trampoline. Jumping period is something amazing to see him learn. At first I'd try to get him to copy me and he would lift one leg then look at the other like he was wondering how to get it off the ground too. Now that he's been on a trampoline he bounces both legs together. It's so cute.

How he measures up:
Bubba is almost half my height! At 32" this boy is sooooo long to me. It just seems crazy. Having said that...he's not even close to half my weight lol. I won't tell you how he compares to me but he's roughly 25 lbs. We just switched to size 4 diapers due to some plumbers crack and a few blowouts. He's still such a good eater...always trying new things.

Needless to say...there's no slowing this boy down and I definitely don't want to. Too much fun. We love you sweet bubba!! Happy 14 months!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Chasing Cars...I mean Cousins

Had so much fun this past weekend chasing cousin Noah around aunt Ashley's house with the family. We miss you already KK!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Momma Q&A

Found this cute questionnaire online. Felt like sharing a little or a

1. How long have you been a mom?
1 year, 1 month, and 16 days :)

2. How many children call you mommy?
1 - my beautiful son only when he wants something

3. Girl? Boy? Both? How many?
1 - boy

4. Did you know what you were having before you gave birth?
Nope. Well...not exactly. If it wasn't for our sonogram specialist who asked if we wanted to know the sex fairly early on I wouldn't have had a feeling it was a boy :)

5. How old were  you when you became a mom?

6. How long were you in labor?
Not sure what actually qualifies as broke at 9:45 PM on 1/16. Started getting mild contractions at 11:30 or so..started pitocin at that time. Epidural at 7:30 AM on 1/17. Delivered Hudson at 4:44 PM on 1/17. So...if we started with contractions I guess roughly 17 hours? I have no idea....

7. What's your favorite thing about being a mom? many my heart feels like it's going to explode for all of the love I have for my son and watching him learn. Those are at the top.

8. What's your least favorite thing?
My poor baby teething or being sick and not really being able to help other than give him tylenol.

9. Do you want more kids?
Eventually I want a sibling for my bubba. He keeps looking in between his legs for one :)

10. Do you plan on having more soon?
Nope, not yet. Need to get our rubber duckies in a row :)

11. Does daddy change diapers?
Yeppers. Why wouldn't he? :)

12. How many times have you been peed on?
I'm afraid to say for the sake of jinxing myself but once.

13. Barfed on?
A lot! Especially when bubba was 4 months and younger. Always wearing polka dot couture..Hudson had his own line lol..

14. Is your child named after anyone?
His first name no but his middle name, Gene, is after his 103 year old wonderful great grandpa Eugene.

15. How did you come up with his name?
I don't know but I pass by a Hudson loop on the way home and I think that's where I got it. Haha.

16. When your child gets in trouble who is the bad guy?
We both are. United we stand :) haha...that's the plan anyway :)

17. And who is the good guy?
Same as above.

18. What is the longest you have been away from your child?
I think maybe 5 hours...can't remember..

19. Bedtime Routine?
Yeppers, Bath...Book...Lights Out.

20. Are your toes painted?

21. Last movie you saw in the theater.
Dada and I went on a date a couple of weeks ago. Saw Identity Thief. Super cute!

22. Last time you had a date.
A couple of weeks ago.

23. One thing you will not give up just because you are a mom?
Well...I would say working out / running. I love to do it and my little man can come with me :)

24. One thing you did give up now that you're a mom.'t really given up much...just try to share things with my bubba. He is my sidekick. Plus one of my main goals in life is to NEVER make my children feel like they are an inconvenience to the life I once had. Sorry...little bit of a rant but Hudson is an amazing addition to this journey called life. He enhances all of the joys in life. I hope he knows that for the rest of my life.

25. Best mom perk?
Being with my little love of my life. A quote I once saw that I can say seems so true goes something like, "Your children are like your heart walking along the side of you."

26. Snack you sneak bits from your child?
Pretty much anything he won't finish. Don't want to see it go to waste.

27. When the kid is napping, you are?
Working, cleaning, washing clothes, etc...I should learn to sit still but I can't.

28. Where is your child now?
Running around in the living room right in front of me :)

29. Favorite place to buy maternity clothes?
Old Navy and Motherhood Maternity

30. If I could do it over, I'd do this differently:
Nothing...first time mom...learning everything for the first be expected :). Now, next baby things will be a tiny bit different but I feel like I've done the best I know how :)

31. What is the craziest thing you have said/done/taught since becoming a mom?
Really applying what my mawmaw always used to say, "Patience is a virtue." If there's anything you learn it's that you can't rush the world and you shouldn't want to. There are pains, craziness, and sometimes you feel like you are going to lose your mind but then that song comes to mind..Won't be like this for long. As crazy as it can get I'm holding on to every moment...don't want to take any of it for granted.

Baby picture at the bottom left is me and my sissy. I see the resemblance between me and my bubba a lot there :)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Full Advantage

We definitely took advantage of this beautiful weekend. I almost feel like we went ok vacation. So much fun. Took my copilot with me to the Velloway with mawmaw, aunt Ashley and uncle Thomas. Great end to an awesome weekend. Rode 9 miles. Bubba didn't like it when we stopped but had fun during the ride and drank so much out of my camelback that he wouldn't even let me have a sip. I had to steal it from him haha. Maybe I can get a baby one and put milk in it haha. Nah. We can share ;). Love my adventurous boy.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Great Escape

Yesterday morning mommy worked a little and after I felt like I was going nuts I decided we seriously needed to get out of the house. And boy I'm sure glad we did.

First before bubba took his morning nap he sat on my lap and we cuddled. Then momma worked and waited for him to wake up.

I was sitting here thinking I was going to go crazy and know what? Let's go for a run and we'll see what happens after that. On our run around town lake I saw the Zilker train. I thought..why should I only do something that's "good" for me and my brain? So I came up with a plan. After the run we went and surprised dada at work for lunch. Poor dada is working so much. We miss him like crazy. Then, I called up Nanny and asked them to join me at the train.

When we first got to the park, Wendy, James & Noah met us and fed the birds. It was amazing! Hudson & Noah were skittish at first but then quickly became fearless as they got closer and closer to the birds. Probably my favorite part :). We had to wait an hour for the next scheduled train so we ate ice cream, snow cones, cotton candy (sugar fest haha) and played around the birds. Then off on the train. Bubba was very observant. Noah wanted to jump out of the train a few times (daredevil).

After the train we played at the park. We were gone from the house for 5 or so hours and that is exactly what we needed. I couldn't have pictured a more perfect way to spend a Friday. The only thing that would have made it even better would have been to steal dada from work and take him with us.

Loved being away from the house and with my bubba doing something fun! Need to do that more often!

Beautiful Hair

I just can't believe 1. how beautiful my son is and 2. how awesome his hair is. It has a mind of his own.

Almost every Tuesday and Thursday our college student, sissy, awesome aunt Ashley comes to visit us. Best part of our mornings! Love you sissy!

Birthday Weekend 2/23-2/24

Let's just say that I didn't touch myfitnesspal app last weekend at all. Uncle Chris and Aunt Shelly's birthday's are close and so we had a weekend full of festivities.

Started off the weekend on "the land" with my family. Had a ton of fun hanging out with paw paw and riding bikes in aunt Ashley and uncle Thomas' house. Bubba is going to grow up having so much fun with them. He's wild, they are crazy...perfect match :). Momma made gumbo for uncle Chris' 30th birthday. Absolutely delicious.  Brigette made an amazing chocolate cake. Like I said..calories were not counted!

Bubba loved the cake too. Love chocolate all over  my bubba's face. He loved it more than the cake on his birthday. Sweet sweet boy!

Sunday was followed with yummy french toast and jumping on the trampoline at nana & pops' house for aunt Shelly's birthday. I absolutely loved watching him on the trampoline. Best part of the day! He had good balance and loved to be chased. Man..he's so much fun! Then off to Gruene for some yummy food and beautiful afternoon. Like anyone who tries it, Hudson LOVED the artichoke spinach dip at the Gristmill. I couldn't get it in his mouth fast enough. Afterwards aunt Shelly showed Hudson how to throw rocks in the river. Cute as can be!

All in all it was a great weekend spent with our wonderful family!