Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sweet Baby Boy 5 Months 6.17.2012

You know how his Dr said a few months ago that when he starts walking I have my hands full? Boy was she wrong. This boy can't walk but is so close to crawling. He wants to go go go but can't yet. I tell him that I'd let him get down but he can't go anywhere haha like he knows what I'm saying. He is my little spazz. He absolutely loves tummy time now. In fact, as soon as you put him down he rolls right onto his tummy and doesn't want you to flip him over. He also squirms across the carpet to get toys that you can't hand to him. He has to get it himself. No help please! :) He only wants to be held sometimes and wants to be at others. Always smiling and laughing is so much fun. It's so amazing watching him grown and change so quickly right before my eyes. Hudson loves to stand up on his feet and looks so proud when he does. He also loves to get up on all fours and think about moving forward but just works himself backwards or wiggles his way. I'm thinking he will be crawling very soon. Hudson also loves to go to the pool and loves to watch other people splash and have fun. He's very interested in things that aren't right in front of him. Always peering around mommy or daddy to see what's on the other side. He's taking in so much. It's awesome. He got to see his girlfriend Georgia Ferguson for the first time this month and was pulling on her shirt. Travis says no more ruffles for Georgia. Our little boy was crazy about her and her shirt :)

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