Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sweet Baby Boy 4 Months 5/17/12

Ahhhh the month of all smiles and giggles. Or at least when it started. All I had to do was tickle my baby and he'd laugh. Karl got him to laugh for the first time in Louisiana at the end of April and then we had been trying so hard for him to do it again. Sure enough I found a way to get him. His laugh is like music to my ears. He also started growling which is absolutely hilarious. The sleeping really got good this month but lasted just this month haha. He would sleep from 8:30 PM, wake up at 6:30 to eat and then back to bed until 9! Oh how I miss those days. We started plain cereal after his 4 month doctor's appointment and he did great! He starts smacking those lips as soon as he sees the spoon. Hudson also found his toes this month and like his hands we couldn't get them out of his mouth. Such a cutie pie. He rolled over once for Karl and once for KK so I started working on it with him every morning....more to come in the 5 month blog :) Hudson also took his first trip this month to Louisiana to see his great great grandma. He did so great! Our little one is not what you would call a chunkster and we finally realize why on this trip. We left at 7 PM so that booger could sleep on our way and we wouldn't interrupt his sleep schedule too much. He spent a lot more time in a car sleeping this trip and put on several ounces more than normal because he wasn't moving around like the little ball of energy that he is. This boy burns more calories than you can put in him. At this month's Dr's appointment she said that he was as active as a 6 month old! My sweet active angel baby!

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