Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sweet baby boy 2 months old

My sweet angel turned 2 months old on 3/17/2012. And this month he really started to smile at me. Talk about wanting to cry every time your child smiles at me. I may be a little extreme but everything he does brings tears to my eyes. Yes...I will be that proud mom who thinks everything their child does is amazing...haha. How could you possibly not? Hudson also tried SOOO hard this month to raise his head when we changed his diaper. He's been trying to sit up on his own since then. He raises his eyebrows as if they are going to give him a magical power to get's soooo cute. He's ready to go places his body can't yet take him. His doctor told me that when he starts walking I have my hands full. :) I wouldn't expect it to be any different :). He's absolutely amazing and I'm ready to keep up :)

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