Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sweet Baby Boy 3 Months Old 4/17/12

Ahhh we've discovered our hands and we don't want to take them out of our mouth haha. He loves his hands. I think his teeth/gums starting bothering him this month because I don't remember him taking his hands out of his mouth for any length of time. Also, another great accomplishment. My booger slept until 7:30! Hallelujah! I finally get more than 3 hours of sleep! He also started taking power naps after every feeding. He sleeps for 30 minutes and then is up ready for the next 3 hours. There's also the pee shivers. Absolutely hilarious. He's been doing this since this month and I finally put it together when his diaper got warm right after he did it..haha. He definitely loved to reach things at this point. He wants anything and everything that is out of his reach and doesn't want you to give it to him. He wants to get it himself! Hudson has his first play date with Noah Clem this month and I think these two are going to be great friends too. Melts my heart!!! He smiles and laughs when I sing to him. We are two peas in a pod. Little love of my life :)

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